Student Council

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The Student Council of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Student Self-Government.

The International Student Forum "European Partnership" is held annually by the University Student Council. The purpose of this forum is to fulfil the agreement on cooperation between the student councils of partner universities and the development of participants in the forum of patriotic education on the principles of peace, active civic position, education of constructive leadership qualities, promotion of mastering the skills of self-organisation and psychological stability, improvement of communication skills, self-realisation of scientific, creative, organisational potential of student youth, creation of conditions for organised leisure and communication.

The program of the forum is carried out in the form of speeches, talks, discussions, games, round tables, debates, discussions, competitions, training exercises, creative tasks, tourist competitions between partner universities.

Together with the student self-government of the University with the support of youth and sports management of Rivne Regional State Administration the website of youth employment jobhub.com.ua was created. On this website, students have the opportunity to get the most complete information about new employment opportunities online. The Student Council actively cooperates with public organisations, clubs, charitable foundations, volunteer centres. Students at our University are actively involved in helping ATO (Antiterrorism Operation) participants and their families.

The students of the University are active participants of the artistic groups of the Aesthetic and Civic Education of the University Students Youth Centre (ACEUSY) (The Bohdan Denysiuk National Student Theatre ”Bryz (Breeze)”, The Ensemble of Folk Music and Dance "Zoretsvit", The Variety Songs Ensemble “Elehiia”,The Contemporary Dance Ensemble "Inside".)

"Leader's School" works actively at our University. It is the student self-government of the University that organises regular meetings with interesting personalities who have achieved high professional success, holding round tables, discussions, competitions and trainings.