Faculty of Pedagogics
Faculty of Pedagogics at the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH
"Educating children is an important public duty. In education, in the creation of a new person, everyone can reach the pinnacle of perfection - to become a true master, artist, poet, sage, great public figure.”
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi
If you have the following qualities, you can make a brilliant career as a pedagogue in the future:
willing to provoke time with children, accommodate them, occupy them with business or provide assistance;
- easy, without inner restraint, to communicate with people's news;
- is creative and enterprising people actively involved in amateur art;
- easy to resolve conflicts between children;
- has the ability to predict the idea of intuition, analytical;
- manage expressive, emotionally funny speech;
- have a wide range of cognitive interests;
- think original, able to generate new ideas and unconventional solutions.
- learn more about the peculiarities of the training of preschool teachers, primary school teachers, psychologists, we invite everyone to read the page of the pedagogical faculty
To learn more about the peculiarities of training educators of preschool education institutions, primary school teachers, psychologists, we invite everyone to read the page of the pedagogical faculty
The Faculty of Pedagogics of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH trains students in the field of knowledge: 01 Education / Pedagogy in the speciality 012 Preschool Education of higher education degree Bachelor and Master. The term of study for preparation of bachelors is 4 years, masters - 1 year and 6 months.
Form of study: full-time and part-time.
The training of specialists in preschool education is carried out with additional specialisations: Primary Education, Foreign Language (English), Practical Psychology, Practical Psychology, Speech Therapy.
The graduates obtain the qualification of: Bachelor of Preschool Education, Tutor of Early and Preschool Children; Master of Preschool Education, Teacher of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education, Organiser of Preschool Education
And qualification in additional specialisations: Primary School Teacher, Foreign Language Teacher in Preschool and Primary School, Practical Psychologist of Preschool Education Institution, Speech Therapist.
01 Education / Pedagogy Speciality 013 Primary Education of higher education degree Bachelor and Master. The training period for the preparation of bachelors is 4 years, masters - 1 year and 6 months.
Form of study: full-time and part-time.

The training of specialists in primary education is carried out with additional specialisations of: Practical Psychology, Foreign Language (English), Biology, Fundamentals of Informatics, Preschool Education, Speech Therapy.
The graduates obtain qualification of: Bachelor of Primary Education, Primary School Teacher; Master of Primary Education. Organiser of Primary Education
And qualification in additional specialisations: Practical Psychologist, Foreign Language Teacher, Biology Teacher, Tutor of the Preschool Children, Informatics Teacher, Speech Therapist.
05 Social and Behavioural Sciences, speciality 053 Psychology of higher education degree Bachelor and Master. The training period for the preparation of bachelors is 4 years, masters - 1 year and 6 months.
Form of study: full-time and part-time.
The graduates obtain qualification of: Bachelor of Psychology, Master of Psychology.
Our graduates work as: Preschool Tutor, Primary School Teachers and Foreign Language Teachers, Biology Teacher, the Basics of Computer Literacy in General Educational Institutions; Organisers of the Extracurricular Educational Work with Children; Teachers of Professional and Higher Education Institutions; Psychologists in the Educational System, Medicine, Employment Centres, Trust Services, Assistance to Youth, Social Services, Researchers in the Field of Psychology.
Advantages of studying at the Faculty of Pedagogics at the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH:
The students of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH Faculty of Pedagogics study in a separate building with specially equipped classrooms, a library, a reading room, a computer class and a hostel.
The practice of students is based on the best institutions of preschools and general secondary education schools in Rivne. Where they have the opportunity to get acquainted with the implementation of various innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process.
Meetings with the best teachers of the city, practical psychologists, leading scientists of Ukraine and abroad are organised for students. Academicians of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine M. B. Yevtukh, M.D. Yarmachenko, O.V. Sukhomlynska, I.A. Ziaziun, A.M. Bohush, H. V. Bielienka, Doctor of Science in Psychology, Professor Vincentas Lamanauskas (Lithuania), Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor George Venter (Hungary) and others conducted lectures for students.
In addition to the educational activity, students of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH Faculty of Pedagogics have the opportunity to develop their talent, creativity, participating in various art groups of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, art competitions, festivals, flash mobs and sports sections.
The Faculty of Pedagogics of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH cooperates with:
We cooperate with leading higher education institutions of Ukraine and neighbour countries. Close cooperation has been established with the best preschools and primary education institutions in Rivne.
The Faculty has a postgraduate program in the speciality 011 Educational, Pedagogical Sciences, specialisation "Theory and Methodology of Professional Education".
The Faculty of Pedagogics has scientific laboratories: "Education of Student and Student Youth on the Ideas of Humanism and Enlightenment" - the head of the laboratory Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor Demianchuk A.S. (SR № 0118U001567), "Professional Training of Future Teachers of Preschool Educational Institutions and Primary Schools in Terms of Step-By-Step Study" - Head of the laboratory Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor Krasovska O.O. (SR No. 0118U001565).
The Department of Pedagogics annually conducts student readings "I Vote for Peace", on the initiative of the founder of the University Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor, Academician S.Ya. Demianchuk
Achievements of the Faculty of Pedagogics at Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH:
Three graduates defended their PhD Theses in pedagogy (Chepeliuk N., Vynar V., Khom`iak O.) and five graduates defended their PhD Theses in psychology (Nazarevych V., Ternovyk N., Veremchuk A., Moroz O. Yatsiuryk A.).
The students of the faculty are actively engaged in research work, participating in the All-Ukrainian subject competitions in primary and preschool education, psychology, competitions of student scientific works and taking the prize places. So, a student of the speciality 053 "Psychology" has got the VI prize in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the speciality "Psychology" (theoretical and practical), which took place on April 20, 2018.