Library of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk
International University of Economics and Humanities
The library as a structural subdivision of the Private Higher Educational Establishment "Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities" was founded in 1996. The first director of the library - Pabat Lidiia Petrivna (years of work 01.11. 1996 - 09.11.2020). She began the historical path of development of the university library from very small, as it was in the first years of its existence, to a powerful, active structural unit of the university.
The basis of the book fund of the library were books from the own library of Academician, Doctor of Sciences, founder of the higher educational institution S. Ya. Demianchuka. As a result, the library has created a large amount of educational and scientific literature on pedagogy. Doctor of Sciences B. N. Mitiurov made a significant contribution to the history and theory of pedagogy to the library. Many of these publications are stored in the library and are used by students and scholars today. A. M. Bohush, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, contributes to the replenishment of the university library with new educational and scientific publications. Doctors of Sciences V. I. Zavatskyi and R. Z. Potashniuk made a significant contribution to the filling of the library of publications on the history and methods of physical education and sports, the health-forming system of children and students. Honoured Worker of Journalism V. Mazanyi, Associate Professor of the Department of History A. Zhyviuk, historian who replenishes the library with local lore materials on the history of Rivne region. The world-famous scientist Y. V. Dzhun, made discoveries in the space industry and donated books from the latest space research to the library. Thanks to the cooperation of the university with higher educational institutions of Hungary, Poland, Belarus, the library has collected many educational and scientific publications in Polish, German, Hungarian, English and other languages used by students for education.
Since 1997, the sources of the library's fund have been donations from individuals and institutions, purchases in bookstores and companies, and book exchange. The library began to write sets of scientific journals.
Today the library is equipped with modern educational and scientific publications.
In the reading rooms of the library students, teachers, postgraduates, graduate students have the opportunity to receive information for educational and research activities.
A significant part of library documents is the scientific heritage of the teaching staff of the university.
The repository (electronic archive), placed on the Internet, is part of the electronic collection of the university library and part of the integrated information system of Acad. S. Demianchuk IUEH.
To help library users, a reference and search engine has been created, which includes an electronic catalog.
The library hosts meetings with prominent Ukrainian and foreign figures of science and culture.
Exhibitions, informational and thematic reviews of literature and periodicals, presentations of textbooks, textbooks of university teachers, famous scientists and figures of literature, journalism and culture are held in the library to help the educational process.
At the initiative of Academician Stepan Demianchuk, the founder of the university, the Museum of Peace was established and public readings "I vote for peace" are held annually on the basis of the library.
Reader service is provided by qualified library specialists who can assist students, postgraduates, graduate students and lecturers in finding documents with the help of a reference search engine, prepare a certificate, provide advice, compile bibliographies according to the rules of document description, etc.
The funds of the university book collection as of 2021 number 11,651 titles and 71,790 copies (issued before 2000 - 3,662 titles, 13,407 copies); issued from 2000 to 2019 - 7664 titles, 13407 copies, published from 2020 - 64 titles, 105 copies. In total, the fund of textbooks and textbooks - 9443 titles, 65313 copies.
Today the University Library of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International Academy of Economics and Humanities is directly involved in the educational process, is a customer-oriented service system and communication space, promotes the development of research and academic activities of the university, its integration into globalized scientific and environment research.
The University Library aims to:
- support for the implementation of the priorities set by the university;
- strengthening the role of the university library as a partner in research, teaching and research communication;
- help the whole university community to find, evaluate, use and create knowledge, to develop lifelong learning skills.
- Інституційний репозитарій https://dspace.megu.edu.ua:8443/jspui/
Цифрові читальні зали:
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Університетська бібліотека має доступ до: ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scopus, Oxford academic, Cambrige University Press, ResearchGate, National Library of Medicine, Наукова періодика України, Національний репозитарій академічних текстів