Faculty of Cybernetics
Faculty of Cybernetics at the Academician Stepan Demianhuk IUEH
The modern period of development of the information society is characterized by the active use of digital technologies, electronic services, wireless communication technologies, cyber production, cyber systems and cyber machines, the creation of IT products. The wide application of the latest information and communication technologies at the world level requires specialists in the field of high technologies, smart objects and their networks, digital automated control systems, digital communication.
The Faculty of Cybernetics is ensuring the readiness of higher education students for digital modernization of life forms information and digital competencies that will promote the employment of graduates in a digital environment and digital IT market. Today, the number of IT vacancies in the global labour market exceeds the number of IT professionals, and IT companies are in dire need of programmers and computer scientists. Therefore, the profession of programmer and computer scientist is the most popular and highest paid.
The widespread introduction of digital technologies and the popularity of computer science have increased the need for teachers. A modern infprmatics teacher must be aware of all computer innovations, have their own innovative style, be able to apply the latest information and communication and digital technologies.
The Faculty of Cybernetics invites everyone who is ready to form and develop a digital society based on cyber services, to create "smart" cities and to manage "smart" objects.
The Faculty of Cybernetics of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH trains bachelors and masters of the most popular specialities of today on part-time and full-time forms of study:
Educational level "Bachelor"
- 121 Software Engineering. (Educational and professional program "Software Engineering. Internet of Things");
- 122 Computer Science. (Educational and professional program "Computer Science and Cyber Defense");
- 014 Secondary Education (Informatics). (Educational and professional program "Secondary education. Informatics and mathematics").
Educational level "Master"
- 122 Computer Science. (Educational and professional program "Computer Science and Information Technology");
- 014 Secondary education (Informatics). (Educational and professional program "Secondary education. Informatics and mathematics").
Future IT professionals: programmers, computer scientists, computer science teachers master modern IT technologies, computer systems and programming languages, tools for diagnostics and testing of software and networks, robotics, web-technologies and web-design.
The academic staff of the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH is known in Ukraine and abroad:

The name of Yosyp Volodymyrovych Dzhun was included in the Golden Encyclopedia - "Scientific Elite of Ukraine".
Dzhun Y. V. - Head of the Department of Mathematical Modeling, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, a full member of the European Security Association (Krakow), received international recognition with the award of the honorary order "Scientist of the Year 2019".

Students of the Faculty of Cybernetics take an active part in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in IT field:

Sheremet Roman Valeriiovych, a second-year student of the speciality 121 "Software Engineering", won third place at the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Web Design on March 26-28, 2019 in the city of Dnipro.

A team of third-year students of the Faculty of Cybernetics consisting of Zarechanskyi Yakov, Ivanov Ihor, Volovnyk Oleh, and the team coach Shportko Oleksandr Volodymyrovych took part in the semifinals of the World Team Programming Championship in Odessa, where they won (III place) in the All-Ukrainian Team Programming Olympiad from 9 to 11 October 2019.

Second-year students of the Faculty of Cybernetics Zarechanskyi Yakiv and Sheremet Roman were awarded by the head of the Rivne Regional State Administration. They received certificates and a regional award for special achievements in education and research from the Rivne Regional State Administration and the Rivne Regional Council.
Employment of graduates of the Faculty of Cybernetics
Senior students of the Faculty of Cybernetics participate in the development of domestic and foreign IT projects. Graduates can work as: software developers, database programmers, application programmers, system programmers, software testing and quality control engineers, software system architects, system administrators of software projects, administrators of Internet of Things devices, developers of smart devices, robotics engineers, architects of "smart" systems, computer systems analysts, developers of information security tools, computer network administrators, web-site developers, web-designers in Ukraine and online abroad.
Managing home appliances without human intervention is a digital future created by IT professionals from the Internet of Things. This concept of communication of things (objects) uses information technology to interact with each other and involves devices to perform programmed actions without human intervention.
All smart devices in homes, in drones and airplanes, at public transport stops and airports, in medical equipment, etc., perform information processing, analysis and exchange with each other, and depending on the results, make decisions and perform programmed actions.
Well-known American publicist Dave Barry spoke about computer science: "Soon there will be only two groups of workers: those who control computers and those who are controlled by computers. Try to get into the first group. "
Join our Faculty to get into the first group.