Educational Work
The strategic goals of state policy in the field of education, the creation of new democratic institutions in Ukraine, the formation of a system of values that integrates traditional ideals of Ukrainian culture and European values of human rights and freedoms, new rethinking and harnessing the potential of Ukrainian humanitarian culture lead to the formation of a new approach to the upbringing of students.

The current stage of society's development requires special attention to the formation of the spiritual sphere of the high school graduate. Today, more than ever, it is required to create the conditions for the manifestation of a free, creative and moral personality, possessing intelligence in the full extent of its classical qualities. Becoming such a person is possible only if the spiritual and historical values of their country are preserved and revived, the priority development of culture, science and education as the necessary sources of progress of a society with a guaranteed future. Formation of the national intellectuals, promotion of enrichment and renewal of the nation's intellectual gene pool, education of its spiritual elite - the task of higher educational institutions on a par with the training of highly qualified specialists.
The core of the entire education system in Ukraine is the national idea, which plays the role of a unifying consolidating factor in social development, aimed at developing a person's life position, becoming an individual, as a citizen of his country. The national nature of education is to shape a young person as a citizen of Ukraine, regardless of their ethnicity.
At the same time in the context of world globalisation, Ukraine's accession to the European space, the process of education should ensure the involvement of young people in the world culture and human values and norms, the formation of tolerance to other points of view, understanding of differences between people in culture, life and customs, beliefs among peoples and ethnic, religious and other groups.
The purpose of education is the formation of a harmoniously developed person, highly educated, socially active and nationally conscious, endowed with deep civic responsibility, high spiritual qualities, family and patriotic feelings, which is the carrier of the best heritage of national and world culture, capable of self-development and self-improvement.
Formation of the national intellectuals, promotion of enrichment and renewal of the nation's intellectual gene pool, education of the spiritual elite is a task that confronts the scientific and pedagogical team on a par with the training of highly qualified specialists.
The scientific-theoretical and methodological principles of national education are embodied in the Concept of Education of Children and Youth in the National System of Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in 1996, the National Doctrine of Development of Education of Ukraine in the 21st Century, the Concept of National-Patriotic Education of Youth (2009).
Educational work at the Academician Stepan Demyanchuk International University of Economics and Humanities (IUEH) is carried out on the basis of democracy, using the educational potential of student self-government and aims at ensuring a harmonious holistic development of the personality, capable of self-education, self-development, independent thinking, social choice and vital activity based on the cooperation of the organisers of the educational process with the parents and public organisations.
The effectiveness of national education is ensured by the following fundamental principles of education:
- the principle of national orientation of education, which envisages formation in the youth of national consciousness, love for Ukraine, its people, respectful attitude to its culture, ability to preserve its national identity, to be proud of belonging to the Ukrainian people, to participate in the development and protection of its state;
- the principle of cultural responsibility, which envisages education as a cultural-creative process, aimed at the formation of basic personality culture on the acquired moral and ethical experience of mankind;
- the principle of humanisation of the educational process focuses on the individual as the highest value;
- the principle of subject interaction stipulates that the participants in the educational process act as equal partners in the communication process, take into account each other's point of view, recognise the right to be different from their own, agree their positions;
- the principle of integrity means that education is organised as a systematic pedagogical process, aimed at harmonious and versatile development of the individual, forming a holistic picture of the world, providing for the continuity of directions and stages of educational work;
- acmeological principle requires the orientation of the educational process to the highest moral and spiritual achievements and potential opportunities of the individual, creating the conditions for achieving her life success, the development of individual abilities;
- the principle of personal orientation means that the general laws of psychological development are manifested in each person in a unique way;
- the principle of amateur creative activity involves becoming a person as the creator of his life, who is able to make personal decisions, and be responsible for them, live fully and actively, constantly self-improve, adequately and flexibly respond to social changes;
- the principle of tolerance implies the integration of Ukrainian culture into the European and world space, the formation of openness among students, a tolerant attitude to values other than national ideas, to culture, art, beliefs of other peoples, the ability to differentiate between common and different cultures, perception of culture as an integral part of the human;
- the principle of taking into account the individual inclinations and abilities of students, the levels of their intellectual and general cultural development, the specifics of the course of study and the future speciality;
- partnership as a form of relations between lecturers and students, cooperation in solving issues of study, leisure, everyday life, support and stimulation of student initiatives;
- unity of education, training and research work, which provides for the conscientious fulfilment of each student's functional responsibilities and public assignments, participation in research work and public life of the group, course, faculty, university;
- integral and systematic influence of the educational influence on students of the rectorate, the dean's office, departments, other structural subdivisions of the university, lecturers, student self-governing organisations; the priority of human values, their organic combination with national values.
The tasks of education at the University are:
• preparing nationally conscious intellectuals, preservation of the nation's intellectual gene pool, enhancement of cultural potential that will ensure the high efficiency of future specialists;
• educating future specialists by authoritative, highly educated, carriers of high general political, legal, intellectual, socio-psychological, aesthetic, physical and valeological culture;
• creating conditions for the free development of the individual, his thinking and general culture, involvement in various types of creative activity (research, cultural, educational, social and humanistic, physical and fitness, sports, law enforcement);
• forming civic, social activity and responsibility, involvement of young people in the process of state formation, development of public relations;
• awareness of the interconnection of individual freedom with human rights and its civic responsibility;
• cultivation of the best features of the Ukrainian mentality: diligence, desire for freedom, harmony with nature, respect for woman, love of the native land, raising the prestige of the Ukrainian language and the academic environment, and development of the Ukrainian-language educational space: enriching the aesthetic experience, participating in rebirth and creating a national- cultural traditions of the city, region, expansion of creative relations with cultural institutions, development of artistic abilities;
• creating the conditions for self-realisation of the individual in accordance with his / her abilities, public and self-interest;
• promoting a healthy lifestyle, eradicating bad habits and preventing crime;
• creating necessary conditions for effective development of student self-government, identification of potential leaders and organisers;
• formation of respect for their Alma mater, and development of the democratic and academic traditions of higher education.
The purpose of the educational process at the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH is comprehensively implemented in both in the educational process and abroad, in hostels - the organisation of work of circles and clubs for interests, cultural mass, sports work with the involvement of student self-government bodies.
Responsibility for the organisation and effectiveness of educational work is depending on the Rector, the Vice-rector of Educational Work, who is responsible for the educational work with students, deans of faculties, heads of departments, curators of groups, head of ACEUSY Centre, commandants of dormitories. The specific responsibilities of the organisers of the educational process are enshrined in job descriptions.
Directions and forms of education
National-patriotic education involves the development of historical memory, the education of patriotic feelings, a conscious love for the homeland, a civic sense of duty and responsibility for the fate of the country, and a willingness to work for its good, protection, and strengthen international authority. National-patriotic education is carried out in educational and extracurricular time: through lectures, first of all on the history of Ukraine, the history of national culture; mastering the language culture, getting acquainted with the national traditions of the Ukrainian people, as well as the work of clubs, circles, the University museum, the activities of the student press (newspapers and radio); by organising sightseeing trips, meetings with veterans of labour and combat, with veterans of the Ukraine Armed Forces; involvement of students in the work of public youth organisations, clubs, sections, etc.
Intellectual-spiritual education:
- development of cognitive interest, creative activity, thinking;
- educating the need to independently acquire knowledge and readiness to apply knowledge, skills in practical activity;
- realisation of personal life choices and building a professional career on the basis of abilities and knowledge and skills;
- educating the ability to form and defend one's position.
Moral education - the development of high moral qualities and beliefs that manifest themselves in the moral standards of behaviour in all spheres of life and provide an active life position of a young man. Moral education is carried out through all lecture courses, including the ethical and humanitarian cycle and the activities of all services, units, work of curators, lecturers, as well as forming in the teams of students the atmosphere of demanding, adherence to principles, honesty, responsibility and mutual assistance. In addition, moral education permeates the entire system of extracurricular work: holding Open Doors; first year student initiation ceremony; celebration of significant dates of the University, faculties, departments; involvement of students in professional work with future entrants; curatorial hours; conducting talks, lectures on anti-alcohol and anti-narcotic topics; organisation of evenings, concerts; activities of student self-government bodies; involving students in humanitarian activities; coverage of moral issues in newspapers and magazines.
The current reality, characterised by a crisis of spirituality, social insecurity of young people, the spread of such negative phenomena as alcoholism, drug addiction, requires strengthening of educational work among students, the search for new forms.
Political education is aimed at the formation of political culture in student youth, which includes developing an understanding of the mechanisms of the political process, ways to achieve a political goal, familiarity with the political activity of the state, its political experience and the experience of other countries. Political education is carried out in the course of educational activities of the social and humanitarian cycle, as well as through the whole system of extra-curricular work: the work of scientific circles, political clubs, conferences, which discuss current issues of the present; through lectures, conversations, meetings with politicians, deputies of different levels. However, it should be remembered that they do not aim at forming students with a particular political orientation, it is only a matter of political culture.
Law education is aimed at educating the legal culture of student youth and respect for human and citizen's rights and freedoms, expanding legal knowledge and skills, and applying the laws of the state in practice. It is carried out through lectures, first of all, law disciplines, as well as through extracurricular activities: the work of circles, student scientific society seminars, legal competitions, tournaments, competitions, conferences, etc.
Labour education involves the formation of a creatively active, hard working personality, possessing professional skills, advanced business qualities, a sense of responsibility, respectful attitude to property, readiness for life in the conditions of market relations, to entrepreneurial activity and competition. Labour education is connected with educational activity, with participation in work of scientific circles, conferences, clubs, with studying of additional educational courses, with participation in professional competitions, in work of business clubs, student labour exchanges, olympiads. It can be realised by organising meetings with alumni, specialists from enterprises and institutions, who, through hard work and knowledge, have succeeded, holding labour campaigns on landscaping, cleaning the territory, etc.
Ecological education aims at the formation of an ecological culture of personality, which regulates the relationship between man and nature and orients man to the conservation and restoration of nature as a living environment for all living things. Ecological education is carried out through lectures on environmental orientation and through the allocation of the environmental component in most academic disciplines, as well as through the work of the student scientific society, ecological groups, organisation of excursions to local history museums, to enterprises, hiking, holding Earth week, nature conservation activities.
Aesthetic education involves the development of aesthetic feelings, tastes, views, formation of aesthetic attitude to reality, creative activity of student youth. It is carried out through lectures containing aesthetic knowledge, as well as in the process of working circles and studios, participation of students in amateur activities, visiting theatres, exhibitions, museums, meetings in literary and musical, theatrical living rooms, meetings with figures of literature and art, organising Comedy Club championships, intellectual games, organisation of the annual student creativity festival “Student Spring”, etc., as well as - aesthetic design of premises, maintenance of cleanliness, order.
Physical education – improves a healthy lifestyle as an integral element of the general culture of the individual, counteracting the factors that negatively affect the health of the members of the university team, developing the ability to use methods and forms of physical culture in work and leisure independently. Physical education is implemented in physical education classes, through the activities of physical education teams at the faculties, Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH sports sections, the work of special medical groups and therapeutic physical education groups, the work of sports clubs, sports competitions, spartakiads, tournaments, meetings, hiking, youth actions against smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and more.
The educational process at the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH is organised through individual, group, mass forms.
The organisation of the educational process is based on the Program of the President of Ukraine "Ten Steps Toward People", the National Doctrine of Development of Education of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" in accordance with the state standards of education, orders and recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the organisation of educational work.
Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH builds its training work on the basis of a comprehensive educational plan for the year. Faculties, the Board of Educational Work, departments, hostels plan their educational work for the semester.
The student group curator also develops a plan for the semester based on the individual interests and abilities of the students.
Working plans of student self-government bodies and clubs of interest are also developed for the semester on the basis of the Perspective plan of educational work in accordance with the statutory objectives of their activities.
The educational function of the learning process
The educational potential of the learning process is ensured by the content, forms, technologies of learning and the nature of communication between its participants.
Individualisation of the educational process requires the formation of new pedagogical technologies of interaction "teacher-student", the role of the lecturer as a carrier of knowledge and culture, the affirmation of the humanistic style of the relationship between the teacher and the student.
At the meetings of the departments approve the mini-concepts of educational work, determine priorities (for one department - this is legal education, for the second - environmental, for the third - professional, labour), the search for the most appropriate forms and methods of its organisation. They can be different: competitions, discussions, olympiads, student scientific societies, conferences, conversations, meetings with interesting people, visiting museums, exhibitions and more.
The special role belongs to the departments of humanitarian direction, each of which has significant educational potential. They are given the role of a methodological centre of educational work. The updating of the content of general, social and humanitarian disciplines should be subordinated to the goal of formation of students of national consciousness, patriotism, law and economic literacy, social activity, general personality culture, based on the property of Ukrainian world culture.
The main link in the educational process is the teacher - mentor of the academic group - the curator. The work of the curators is governed by the “Regulations for the Academic Group Curator”. The deans appoint the curators of the most authoritative, professional and nationally minded teachers whose outlook, knowledge and culture of behaviour could be exemplified. Curatorial hours are planned to work effectively with the group in the class schedule.
The main tasks of the student group curator are:
• providing assistance to students in the formation of a student team of an academic group, conducting individual and group organisational-educational and cultural-educational work;
• establishing contacts with students' parents, clarifying student problems, providing assistance in solving them;
• realisation of pedagogical control over the educational process and its results, assistance in planning and organisation of independent work, observance by students of moral norms of behaviour, “Rules of internal organisation of the University”.
In the organisation of educational work, the student group curator implements the tasks defined in the “Concept of educational work at the Academician Stepan Demyinchuk International University of Economics and Humanities”, “Integrated Plan of Educational Work”, “Regulations on Academic Group Curator” and the plan of educational work in the academic group.
Organisation of the educational process outside the study time:
Educational work that is carried out at the University outside the classroom, provides actualisation of theoretical knowledge, directs them to the practical sphere, draws the attention of young people to the most acute social problems of today, shapes their social maturity. For this purpose, it is necessary to involve young people in labour, political, patriotic, charitable actions, organise excursions to enterprises, tourist trips to historical places, visits to museums, exhibitions, theatrical performances and more.
The organisation of meaningful leisure at the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH is provided by: Department of Cultural and Mass Work with Students, Aesthetic and Civic Education of University Student Youth Centre, which includes members of Student Councils, responsible for cultural and mass work, heads of youth clubs, interested talented young people. The University has created a certain material base, purchased the necessary musical equipment for evenings of rest, discos and the development of amateur performances. Various ensembles, clubs of interest are formed and operate, such as the Bohdan Denysiuk National Student Theatre ”Bryz (Breeze)”, The Ensemble of Folk Music and Dance "Zoretsvit", The Variety Songs Ensemble “Elehiia”, The Contemporary Dance Ensemble "Inside", Choir Chapel, Photo Studio, Radio Studio, Comedy Club, Intellectual Games Club, Leader's School, Psychological Club and more. Traditions of thematic evenings, vocal competitions, CC, student creativity festival "Student Spring", selection competition of creative students among freshmen "Hello, we are looking for talents!" The main task is to diversify the clubs of interest, create conditions for the development of creative abilities of young people, increase the level of cultural events.
Physical education is an integral part of the general personality culture. It is carried out both during school hours and outside the classroom. This work is regulated by the schedule of classes, the schedule of sports sections work, plans of sports and wellness events. The work is constantly being done to improve the forms of student activity, to create additional sports sections, to diversify sports, mass and wellness events over the weekend.
Educational work in hostels
Regulations on Student Hostel
The main purpose is the organisation of self-care and adherence to the rules of internal order, creation of favourable moral and psychological climate, conditions for comfortable accommodation of students of the University. In the process of organisation of educational and cultural-mass work among students of hostels its main directions are realised taking into account the specifics of the sphere of life. The deans, deputy deans of faculties, together with the curators of the academic groups, the heads of hostels, actively take care of the organisation of educational work with active involvement of student councils.
The main activities are the organisation of competitions for the best hostel and the best room, shift of lecturers, lectures and talks, evenings of rest. Under the new conditions, the individual work of lecturers and curators in hostels has improved. The conditions for independent work of students in hostels have been created. The role of student councils in resolving settlement issues, maintaining order, and ensuring that students comply with internal rules are enhanced. More varied were the measures for the organisation of meaningful leisure at the place of residence, the organisation of sports, mass and wellness events.
Student self-government
Democratisation of education, implementation of European values and standards of education is impossible without active involvement of students in the management of the educational process through the development of student self-government.
According to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” the main tasks of student self-government bodies are:
- securing and protecting the rights and interests of students, in particular those concerning the organisation of the educational process;
- ensuring that students perform their duties;
- promotion of students' educational, scientific and creative activity;
- facilitating the creation of appropriate conditions for students' housing and leisure;
- promoting the activities of student groups, societies, associations, clubs of interest;
- organisation of cooperation with students of other higher education institutions and youth organisations;
- promotion of employment of graduates;
- participation in solving international student exchange issues.
The main task is to achieve that student councils of self-government at all levels are the initiators and organisers of all student life and educational work, because they know better the needs, moods and tastes of young people. Today, student councils have been set up at the University in all faculties and in hostels. Their activities are guided by the "Student Self-Government Regulation at Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH".
Traditions of student life are formed. On the initiative of the student council, meetings of the Rector, Vice-rectors, Deans with students are practised, at which the management of the University answers all questions that are relevant. Student council representatives are members of the academic council of the University and the faculties.
Competitions “The Best Student Group”, “Student of the Year” have started. All commissions of the student council are working actively. The tradition of holding the Faculty Day was formed. These forms of work are constantly being improved and we continue to work on finding new ones.
At the University a system of management of the educational process is formed.
It is based on the personnel infrastructure, which includes the following subjects of educational work: Lecturers Staff, Rectorate, Board of the Educational Work, Vice-rector of the Educational Work, Deputy Deans of the Educational Work, responsible persons for educational work at the departments, Head of the Aesthetic and Civic Education of Student Youth Centre, heads of hostels. This allows the purposeful planning, implementation and control of the organisation of educational work in the faculties, in each student group and in hostels. In addition, the educational process is carried out by: the library, the newspaper "Students' Wave", youth clubs, creative associations, student councils, physical education teams, sports clubs, sports sections, amateur artistic groups and more.
Management of the educational process is carried out by:
• issuing relevant orders of the Rector;
• work planning, the main coordinating document is the concept of educational work, the plan of educational work;
• methodological support of the educational process, provision of methodological recommendations and holding of methodological seminars and conferences;
• training of organisers of the educational process, organisation of work of the “School of Curators”;
• control over the implementation of the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports, orders of the Rector, plans of educational work of departments, faculties, University, individual plans of lecturers through periodic checks of the state of educational work, hearing reports at meetings of departments, academic council of the University and councils;
• holding meetings with deans and deputy deans, meetings with the Board of the Education Work, meetings of creative associations and clubs;
• sociological surveys of students;
• coverage of the tasks, results and problems of education on the pages of the newspaper “Students' Wave”, student radio issues.
Assessment of the state of educational work and its effectiveness is carried out by comprehensive indicators both quantitative and qualitative. These are indicators of academic success, academic discipline, relationships in academic groups, analysis of students' implementation of internal rules, legal behaviour, the number of offences, the implementation of educational plans, the quality of events, the number of students in creative associations, circles, participants of sports events, festivals etc., participation of young people in various civil, patriotic actions, results of sociological researches that reflect the moral, political, social, cultural orientations of students. Organisers of the educational process conclude that there is a need for corrective intervention in the educational process, strengthening work in certain directions.