IUEH is a lifestyle. A thirst for knowledge,  the desire for more, despite the obstacles
Merry Christmas!
З Різдвяними св'ятами

IUEH is a lifestyle. Thirst for knowledge, desire for more, despite obstacles
IUEH - the choice of a modern applicant! 
The best conditions for learning and development! 
We are developing for you! 
IUEH is the choice of leaders! 
IUEH is your way to the future! 
IUEH is the quality of education recognised by the country and the world! 
IUEH: our ratings are our students!

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На фото ректор університету Віталій Дем'янчук
Doctor of Law, Professor.
For 31 years, our university has trained 38,500 thousand competent and competitive specialists.
The educational process is provided by a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff of 122 people, including Doctors of Sciences, Professors, Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors, Senior Lecturers, Honoured Workers of Education of Ukraine, full members of the Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, and full members of International Academies.

At our university:

  • practice-oriented training is provided;
  • there is close cooperation with employers;
  • ongoing educational programmes are implemented;
  • we respect every student;
  • there is an individual development trajectory;
  • we implement international approaches to training and development;
  • we constantly strive for excellence.


Картинка калейдоскоп привітань
The end of the semester always coincides with the winter holidays - a time of pleasant gifts and New Year's greetings. And a warm greeting from the recipient, with whom you are separated by a distance of thousands of kilometres, is especially heartwarming. Best wishes from foreign partners - students of Stone Bridge High School (USA) - went to the members of the Opening the Borders student intercultural club at IUEH. On the pages of their e-cards, their American peers shared their Christmas family traditions and holiday plans.
Генератор по програмі Twinning
Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities (IUEH) has received a generator from the Bath Spa University (UK) as part of the Twinning Programme and the #GeneratorsForUkraine
International projects
Erasmus+ логотип

A European Union programme that supports projects, partnerships, activities and mobility in the fields of education, vocational
training, youth and sport.

destin логотип

Journalism education for democracy in Ukraine: developing standards, integrity and professionalism.