Educational Activity at Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH
The educational process at the University is aimed at qualitative training of a competent competitive specialist, capable of research-innovative type of thinking with the need and skills of continuous professional development.
The organisation of the educational process provides:
- autonomy of the University in making independent decisions regarding the organisation of the educational process, determining the forms of the educational process and teaching methods;
- preserving traditions and introducing innovations in the educational process;
- effective use of human potential, material, financial and other resources;
- providing a qualitative education for all educational programs;
- academic mobility of higher education applicants and scientific and pedagogical staff;
- functioning of the internal quality assurance system of the educational activity;
- building confidence in the University of consumers of educational services, employers and higher education institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries.
Education at the University is carried out in full-time, part-time forms of study.
Full-time from of study is the main form of education and / or qualification with a separation from production. In accordance with the established laws, full-time students have the right to: travel in public transport with privileges, settle in the hostel, postponement of military service, etc. in accordance with the current laws.
Part-time form of study is a way of organising the training of applicants by combining full-time form of education during short sessions and self-mastering the educational program in the interval between them. Part-time study is a form of education and / or qualification without interruption from production or simultaneous study in another speciality. The educational process of the part-time form of education is organised taking into account the privileges provided by the current legislation for persons who combine work with education..
Higher education applicants at the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities are trained in the following levels of education:
The First Higher Education Programs (Bachelor)
The Second Higher Education Programs (Master)
The Third Level of the Educational Programs (Academic and Scientific)
The educational process is organised under the guidance of:
The Vice-rector of Academic and Methodological Work of the University, Doctor of Science in Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature.
Medynska Nataliia Mykolaivna
The Vice-rector of Academic and Methodological Work and Humanities of the University. PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Departments of Primary and Preschool Education
Yanytska Olena Yuriivna
The Vice-rector of Information Assurance and Innovative Learning Technologies of the University. PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modelling.
Yasinskyi Andrii Mykolaiovych
The Vice-rector of Distance Learning. PhD in Pedagogy. Associate Professor Department of Human Health and Physical Therapy
Demianchuk Tetiana Oleksandrivna
The Head of the Quality Assurance Centre of Higher Education, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management
Artiushok Viktorii Stanislavivny
The Head of the Training Department
Iliuk Larysy Volodymyrivny
The Head of the Department of Licensing and Accreditation
Havrilovoi Anny Petrivny