University’s Scientific Achievements
The Research work of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities is aimed at attracting leading scientists of the University to the Ukrainian and world scientific space, as well as using international experience to solve important scientific problems aimed at improving the efficiency of national economy and quality higher education, solving humanitarian, technical and natural-geographical problems.
The University has established close cooperation in the field of science with foreign universities - partners from Belgium, Belarus, Georgia, Estonia, Israel, Spain, Germany, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary, Finland and the Czech Republic.
Within the framework of the all-university complex scientific topic “Education of pupils and students on the ideas of humanism and education” (state registration number 0118U001567), the study of which is headed by Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogics, Prof. Demianchuk A.S., scientific schools operate at the University under the guidance of: PhD, Prof. Dzhun J.V. (research topic “Tools of non-classical data mining: theoretical substantiation and software”, state registration number 0118U001564), Doctor of Science in Economics, Prof. Boreyk VI (research topic “Financial, economic and management mechanisms for regulating the development of the national economy in the context of globalisation”, state registration number 0118U001562), Doctor of Sciences in Geography, Prof. Kalko A.D. (research topic “Mineral and recreational resources of Rivne region: economic-geographical and tourist aspects”, state registration number 0118U001569), Doctor of Sciences in Social Communication, Prof. Mitchuk O.A. (research topic “Functioning of modern liberal information culture in the system of social communications”, state registration number 0118U001563), Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogics, Prof. Krasovska O.O. (research topic “Professional training of future teachers of preschool education and primary school in terms of higher education”, state registration number 0118U001565), PhD, Associate Professor Zhyviuk A.A. (research topic “Actual problems of research of repressions of the Soviet totalitarian regime in Ukraine”, state registration number 0118U001568) and PhD, Associate Professor Yuskovych-Zhukovska V. I. (research topics “Software modification of artificial intelligence methods for analysis of graphic information on anti-plagiarism on-line”, state registration number 0118U003103 and “Creation and implementation of an automated control system for learning in e-learning space”, state registration number 0118U003104).
The importance of the University's achievements in establishing close cooperation with foreign educational institutions is confirmed by the inclusion of its leading scientists in international academies and awarding them with awards of foreign countries.
Thus, the Rector of the University, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor Demianchuk Anatolii Stepanovych is an Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Full Member of the International Pedagogical Academy, Full Member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences of Ukraine, Vice President of the European Security Association, Honorary Doctor of the National Chamber of Education (Krakow, Poland), Honorary Doctor of the Kodolanyi Janos University (Székesfehérvár, Hungary). Under the leadership of Prof. Demianchuk A. S. 14 PhD dissertations were defended. He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles, 5 textbooks, 3 scientific manuals and 2 monographs. Professor Demianchuk A. S. is a member of the Specialised Academic Council for the Defense of Dissertations at the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. He headed the Specialised Academic Council for the Defense of Dissertations at the Rivne State Humanitarian University from 2000 to 2002.
The scientific school under the leadership of the Full Member of the International Pedagogical Academy, Full Member of the European Security Association, Professor Dzhun Yosyp Volodymyrovych is developing the basics of information structure theory, studying information security and evaluation theory. In 2000, Professor Dzhun Y.V. received a research grant from the Faculty of Economics of the Bratislava University for the successful development of the project “The Investigation of the random Oscillations of stock Index.” He has more than 220 scientific publications, of which 40 are in foreign publications. Dzhun Y.V. supervised 3 PhDs in the field of development of methods of mathematical processing and analysis of non-tidal variations of the Earth's gravitational field. For a series of works on the use of non-classical procedures in pedagogical research Prof. Dzhun Y.V. received the medal named after D. Beshenei (Hungary).
At the initiative and assistance of Professor Dzhun Y.V. in 2015 an agreement on scientific cooperation was signed between the Mykolaivsk Astronomical Observatory (MAO) and the Minor Academy of Sciences. The agreement was reached and the transfer of a telescope from MAO to Rivne MAN was used to monitor near-Earth space, which is installed on the roof of the Rivne House of Scientists. The results of observations of young scientists are sent to the All-Ukrainian Monitoring Centre of KO and NASA (USA). The new station will be connected to the World Space Observatory.
In 2015, the University established cooperation in conducting research on "Non-Classical Errors Theory of Measurement", in which Prof. Dzhun Y.V. developed the Classical Errors Theory of Mesurments, created by the eminent German mathematician C.F. Gauss, with the Košice Technical University (Slovakia) and other domestic and other foreign educational institutions.
Branches of scientific research at the University are headed by Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Department of Mass Communication of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine Shapoval Yurii Hryhorovych; Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine Boreiko Volodymyr Ivanovych; Doctor of Sciences, Professor Matviichuk Andrii Vasylovych; Doctor of Sciences, Professor Krasovska Olha Oleksandrivna; Doctor of Sciences, Professor Potashniuk Iryna Valentynivna; Doctor of Sciences, Professor Nazarets Vitalii Mykolaiovych; Doctor of Sciences, Professor Mitchuk Olha Andriivna; Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Worker of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine Zavatska Liliia Arkhypivna; PhD, Professor Zhyviuk Andrii Anatoliiovych; Doctor of Sciences, Professor Medynska Nataliia Mykolaivna; PhD, Associate Professor Mykhalchuk Yuliia Oleksandrivna; PhD, Associate Professor Pahuta Tamara Ivanivna; PhD, Associate Professor Yuskovych-Zhukovska Valentyna Ivanivna.
Prof. Demianchuk A.S. and Kalko A.D. are members of the Specialised Academic Councils of the Lesia Ukrainka East European National University. Prof. Nazarets V.M. is a Member of the Specialised Academic Council of Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University. Prof. Medynska N.M. is a Member of the Specialised Academic Council of the M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University. Prof. Mitchuk O.A. is a member of the Specialised Academic Council of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
The scientific research at the Institute of Pedagogical Education and at the faculties of the University is carried out in accordance with complex scientific topics:
- Institute of Pedagogical Education – “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the creative personality of a future teacher”;
- Faculty of Economics – “Financial and managerial aspects of organisations in a transformational economy”;
- Faculty of History and Philology – “Current issues of humanitarian education”;
- Faculty of Cybernetics – “Spectral methods and problems of hydro-gas dynamics”;
- Faculty of Health of Physical Education and Sports – “Formation and improvement of people’s health of different ages in the process of physical education”;
- Faculty of Law – “Problems of formation of the Constitutional system of Ukraine in terms of building civil society and the rule of law state”;
- Faculty of Journalism – “Information and analytical aspects of events coverage in the regional media: thematic palette, structuring.”
There are scientific laboratories on the basis of the University, in the work of which more than 50 applicants from young scientific and pedagogical workers of the University take part.
The University provides full-time and part-time training of highly qualified personnel through postgraduate studies.
As a result of such work, 14 doctoral and 98 PhD dissertations have been defended at the University over the past fifteen years.
During 2015–2019, 9 doctoral dissertation were defended by employees and candidates of the University degree (Nazarets V. M., Mitchuk O. A. Matviichuk A. V., Krasovska O. O., Krupnova L. V., Demianchuk V. A., Medynska N. M., Hruba T. L., Duliba Ye. V.) ta 22 kandydatskykh (Smus A. H., Revutska S. A., Ilkiv O. V., Trofimchuk M. O., Koval V. V., Borovets O. V., Khomiak O. A., Kravchuk D. V., Trusova T. S., Romanov A. D., Budz I. F., Stadnyk O. V., Petrushko A. I., Shykula R. R., Borovyk A. V., Drozdova O. V., Shkabarina M. A., Bohush L. A., Yakovchuk A. M., Abramovych T. V., Sobko V. H., Semen N. F.)
Today, 56 people study at the postgraduate study of the University. 11 and 43 scientific and pedagogical employees of the University work on doctoral and PhD dissertations, respectively.
Over the years of the university's existence, more than 26 International scientific-practical conferences have been held, which were attended by leading scientists from Poland, Slovakia, Belarus, Russia, Belgium, Germany, Israel, Spain, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and others.
Traditionally, every two years the University holds an International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems and prospects for the development of higher education and economics in the XXI century”
The results of scientific research of the teaching staff, doctoral students, graduate students and degree seekers are published in the professional scientific collection of the University “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of humanisation of the educational process in schools and universities”. Over the past six years, University professors have published 69 monographs, 1769 scientific articles (including 1236 in professional journals); 1067 abstracts of speeches at International and All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences. Leading scholars of the University have published 220 articles in foreign countries, including Austria, England, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Spain, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Germany, USA, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Japan.
The teaching staff of the University includes 29 Doctors of Sciences, Professors and 96 PhD, Associate Professors.
Scientific and pedagogical workers of the university Mitchuk O. A., Medynska N. M., Krasovska O. O., Melnychuk L. B., Rizun V. V., Honcharov Yu. V. are members of scientific and methodical commissions of the Ministry of Education and Science Of Ukraine.
The teaching staff of the University Mitchuk O. A., Demianchuk V. A., Myronets N. R. and Kniazevych A. O. organised and ensured the implementation of international scientific grant programs.
In 2015–2019, the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism Mitchuk Olha Andriivna, Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance Oliievska Myroslava Hryhorivna, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines Ilkiv Oleh Vasylovych, Head of the Department of History Levder Andrii Ivanovych and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health and Physical Education and Sport Koval V. V. became the winners of a competition and received the award from the head of the Rivne Regional State Administration for young scholars for merits and achievements in the field of basic and applied research and scientific and technical developments.
Professors and Associate Professors take an active part in the work of branch academies of sciences of Ukraine: Demianchuk A. S., Dzhun Y. V., Boreiko V. I., Potashniuk I. V., Demianchuk V. A., Artiushok K. A., Zavatska L. A.
In 2019, Professor Demianchuk A. S. was awarded the Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and Professor Zhyviuk A. A. - the Diploma of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Professors and Associate Professors take part in the work of the national and branch academies of sciences of Ukraine: Madzihon V. M., Demianchuk A. S., Dzhun Y. V., Boreiko V. I., Potashniuk I. V., Demianchuk V. A., Artiushok K. A., Zavatska L. A., Koval L. A., Tkachuk M. P.
Doctors of Sciences, Professors and PhD, Associate Professors take an active part in the work of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Dzhun Y. V., Kalko A. D., Krupskyi I. M., Matviichuk A. V., Mitchuk O. A., Artiushok K. A., Hruba T. L., Zhyviuk A. A Zoliak V. V., Medynska N. M., Mykhalchuk Yu. O., Myroniuk V. M., Oliievska M. H., Ovdiichuk L. M., Borovets O. V., Basiuk T. O., Yasinskyi M. M., Yaromenko O. V.
Well-known specialists from leading free economic partners of Ukraine and abroad are involved in lecturing at the University: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, M.P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State Pedagogical University, Ternopil National Economic University, National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Kodolanyi Janos University of Applied Sciences in Hungary, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University and Wielkopolska Socio-Economic School in Środa Wielkopolska (Poland), Artezis University College in Antwerp (Belgium), St. Paul's Catholic University of Valencia Martyr Vicente and the Valencian Training Centre "Prestige" from Spain.
Young scholars of the University are trained in various areas of research on the basis of these institutions of higher education.
There are student scientific societies and problem groups at the faculties of the University, which are united in the student scientific society "Eureka" (more than 300 students).
The Student Scientific Society "Source" of the Faculty of Economics has 65 students, "Search" of the Faculty of History and Philology - 47, "Portal" of the Faculty of Cybernetics - 38, "Science" of the Faculty of Health of Physical Education and Sports - 71, "Lexidion" of the Faculty of Law - 18, "Intellect" of the Faculty of Journalism - 19, the Institute of Pedagogical Education - 49.
Every year, University students not only take part in All-Ukrainian student competitions and contests but also winning the first prizes.
Thus, in 2013 a student of the Faculty of Economics Bakunets A. became the winner of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the speciality “Management of Organisations and Administration” in the nomination "HR-manager", students of the Faculty of Economics Bakunets A. and Makar H. won the third place in Rivne regional competition of the best scientific and practical work, respectively, in the fields of knowledge “Management” and “Economics and Entrepreneurship.”
In 2014, a master student of the Faculty of Economics Onofriichuk O. took first place in the regional competition of master's theses. A team of students of the Faculty of Economics with 5 participants took first place in the regional brain-ring on market economy. First-year student of the Faculty of History and Philology Shkabarina M. took II place at the P. Yatsyk International Ukrainian Language Competition among philologists. Student of Faculty of Pedagogics Prokop Ya. took the II place of the competition among non-philological specialties. Second-year student of Faculty of History and Philology Zeikan A. took the II place at Taras Shevchenko regional stage of language-literary competition. Students of the University Shkabarina M., Samulik L. and Myroniuk N. received awards from the Head of Rivne Regional State Administration for active participation in research work.
In 2015, 24 university students took part in 12 Olympiads of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. 5 students received diplomas, and a student of the Faculty of Journalism Davydiuk Kateryna Yuriivna took the third place. Students of the Faculty of Law Yusko Ivan took the I place, and Tkachuk Iryna took the II place at the II stage of the Petro Yatsyk International Ukrainian Language Competition.
In 2015, 3 students of the University (Levchuk Olena - Faculty of Journalism; Lukianchuk Taras - Faculty of Natural Geography and Kravchyk Mariia - Faculty of Economics) received awards from the Head of Rivne Regional State Administration for active participation in research work.
In 2016, 25 university students took part in 13 competitions of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. 7 students received diplomas, and a student of the Faculty of Journalism Muzychuk Nataliia Leonidivna took the second place. Melnychuk Nataliia, Romaniuk Oksana, Tkachuk Iryna became the winners of the Petro Yatsyk Ukrainian Language Connoisseurs' Competition.
In 2016, 7 university students: Antoniuk Oleksii, Muzychuk Nataliia, Hrysiuk Andrii, Kovalchuk Petro, Pylypaka Svitlana, Samulik Liubov ta Tsaruk Yuliia received awards from the Head of Rivne Regional State Administration for active participation in research work.
In 2017, 30 students of the University took part in 17 competitions of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. 7 students received diplomas, a student of the Faculty of History and Philology Melnychuk Nataliia took the third place at the Olympiad in Ukrainian language and literature. A student of the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports Fedorchuk Pavlo took the second place at the Physical Rehabilitation Olympiad. A student of the Faculty of Journalism Deineka Iryna took the second place at the Olympiad in Advertising and Public Relations.
In 2017, the winners of the second stage of the Petro Yatsyk International Ukrainian Language Competition were Smushok Anna, Melnychuk Nataliia, Kvasiuk Tetiana.
In 2017, 3 university students: Deineka Iryna, Melnychuk Nataliia and Fedorchuk received awards from the Head of Rivne Regional State Administration for active participation in research work.
In 2017, following the results of students' participation in the second round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads, the University took the first place among private higher education institutions and was noted in the Information Note of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
In 2018, 38 university students took part in 23 competitions of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. 13 students received diplomas, a student of the Faculty of Natural Geography Irina Poliukhovych Iryna took the third place in the Olympiad in Geography. A student of the Faculty of Journalism Kovalchuk Daryna took the second place in the Olympiad in Journalism.
In 2018, 8 students of the University: Volovych Maksym, Deineka Iryna, Dolich Tetiana, Kovalchuk Daryna, Kvasiuk Tetiana, Poliukhovych Iryna, Lapshenkova Nina, Melnychuk Nataliia received awards from the Head of Rivne Regional State Administration.
In 2019, 41 university students took part in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. 10 students were awarded diplomas, and students of the Faculty of Journalism Puchka Alina, Faculty of Natural Geography Smyk Halyna, Faculty of History and Philology Melnychuk Nataliia and the Faculty of Cybernetics Sheremeta Roman, as well as the team of the Faculty of Cybernetics consisting of Zarichanskoho Yakova, Volovnyka Oleha and Ivanova Ihoria, took the third place in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in their specialties. Students of the Faculty of History and Philology Kashcheva Anna and Kovalchuk Alina took the second place and Yakovets Yana - the third place at the regional stages of the Petro Yatsyk Ukrainian language experts Competition. Hotko Tetiana, a student of the Faculty of History and Philology, took the third place at the regional stage of the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Language Contest.
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports Koval V. V. with his program of research and volunteer work on physical rehabilitation of people with special needs “On the waves of good” in 2019 became a winner among young scientists and received the award of the Head of Rivne regional state administration.
In 2019, the award of the Head of Rivne Regional State Administration was received by 10 students of the University (Faculty of Journalism Puchka Alina and Deineka Svitlana, Faculty of Natural Geography Smyk Halyna and Hylytiuk Vadym, Faculty of History and Philology Natalia Melnychuk Nataliia and Bondar Olha, Faculty of Cybernetics Sheremeta Roman and Zarechanskyi Yakiv, Faculty of Pedagogical Lanevych Vladyslava, Faculty of Economics Hrytsun Olha).
Doctoral and PhD dissertations in pedagogy, psychology, economics and foreign philology have been successfully defended by graduates of the University and its current research and teaching staff. In the future, the work of the scientific department of the University will be aimed at improving the work on existing areas and expanding the scope of scientific research.
Due to the high evaluation of the indicators of scientific work and the quality of its results, the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities was included in the List of institutions supported by the state.