Department of the Economics and Finance
Adress: Academician Stepan Demianchuk Street, 4, Rivne, II campus, classroom 2603, 2505
Tel: (0362) 237-212
e-mail: ekomonmegu2@megu.live
The Department of Economics and Finance trains specialists in the specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" (Bachelor, Master) and 051 "Economics" in the field of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioural Sciences" (Master). At the same time, applicants for higher education receive additional professional qualifications.
Specialists are trained on full-time and part-time forms of study.
Educational level: BACHELOR
Field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration".
Specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance".
Educational program: Public Finance and Business Finance.
Form of study: full-time and part-time.
Qualification: Bachelor of Finance, Banking and Insurance.
Professional qualification: specialist in public finance and business finance.
The graduate can work as: Specialists in finance, banking and insurance that are prepared for economic organisational and managerial, analytical, auditing, research work in the field of public finance, in institutions of the National and commercial banks, at enterprises and associations of various sectors of the economy of Ukraine, regardless of the forms of ownership and organisational formation (corporate management specialist, asset management specialist, financial and economic security specialist), in insurance companies (insurance agent, insurer, insurance expert-consultant), investment funds and companies (specialist in stock exchange operations, specialist in depository activities, specialist-organiser of trading in the securities market), brokerage offices (broker, dealer, stockbroker), appraiser (expert appraisal of property, appraiser-expert), financial services and fiscal bodies (chief state tax inspector, state tax inspector, auditor-tax inspector), etc.
Main disciplines:
- State regulation of Economy;
- Economics of enterprises;
- Money and credit;
- Finance;
- Economic analysis;
- Finances of enterprises;
- Financial market;
- Budget system;
- The tax system;
- Banking operations;
- International finance;
- Audit;
- Accounting;
- Financial statistics;
- National economy;
- State finance;
- Financial activities of business entities;
- Budgeting of business entities;
- Taxation of enterprises;
- Financial system management.
Training in the specialty includes passing economic and financial-economic industrial internship, industrial pre-diploma internship, preparation and writing of term papers in the specialty and passing the qualifying exam.
Educational level: MASTER
Fields of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration"
Specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance"
Specialisation: "Management of Organisations"
Form of study: full-time and part-time.
Qualification: Master of Finance, Banking and Insurance.
Professional qualification: specialist in public finance and business finance management.
The graduate can work as: The graduate is able to perform the following professional work in the following groups (according to DK 003: 2010): heads of enterprises, institutions and organisations; managers of small enterprises without management staff; managers of enterprises, institutions, organisations and their divisions; lecturers; other professionals; other specialists.
Places of employment: business entities of all forms of ownership and organisational and legal forms, government agencies, non-profit organisations.
Main disciplines:
- Anti-crisis financial management of enterprises;
- Strategic management of the enterprise;
- Regulation of foreign economic activity;
- State regulation of employment;
- Financial services market;
- Central bank and monetary policy;
- Public debt management;
- Financial system management;
- Financial controlling;
- Social insurance;
- State financial control.
Master's degree program includes internships, preparation and writing of qualification work.
Educational level: MASTER
Fields of knowledge 05 "Social and behavioural sciences"
Specialty 051 "Economics"
Specialisation: "Management of Organisations"
Form of study: full-time and part-time.
Qualification: Master of Economics.
Professional qualification: specialist in state regulation of socio-economic development.
Graduates can work in the professions listed in the Profession Classifier DK 003: 2010:
2412.2 Analyst in the field of professional employment. Labour market analysis specialist
2419.2 Entrepreneurship Efficiency Consultant. Specialist in economic modelling of ecological systems. Specialist analyst in commodity market research.
2441.2 Econometrist. Investment analyst. Lending analyst. Economist. Planning economist. Economic Reviewer.
2149.2 Systems Analyst.
2447.2 Specialist in project and program management in the field of tangible (intangible) production.
Places of employment: business entities of all forms of ownership and organisational and legal forms, government agencies, non-profit organisations.
Main disciplines:
- State regulation of enterprises;
- Strategy of socio-economic development;
- Regulation of foreign economic activity;
- Regional economic policy;
- State regulation of employment;
- Central bank and monetary policy;
- Structural and investment policy;
- Tax policy;
- Budget policy;
- Management of innovative development;
- Local finances and decentralisation;
- Social policy and social insurance;
- Socio-economic statistics.
Master's degree program includes internships, preparation and writing of qualification work.