Scientific Work
The department has a highly qualified teaching staff and the necessary material and methodological support. The teaching of the normative subjects of the department is conducted at all faculties of the University. The founder and changeless head of the department is Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor Dzhun Yosyp Volodymyrovych, representative of the well-known in Ukraine and worldwide Academician E.P. Fedorov Scientific School of the National Academy of Science. Dzhun Y.V. is a full member of the International Pedagogical Academy (Moscow) and a member of the European Safety Association (Krakow). The main areas of research of the department are covered by the Complex Research Topic (GDR): “Non-Classical Data Mining Tools: Theoretical Foundation and Software”, deadline June 2018 - May 2022. State registration number 0118U001564. Scientific adviser Professor Dzhun Y.V. In the framework of this topic he prepared two foreign and four domestic publications on the given topic at the department during 2018. These publications offer wide opportunity for various innovative deployments for the purpose of computerisation and mathematical modelling. Previous research on the given topics were also conducted in the framework of international cooperation, for which the department was awarded with a special Grant of Bratislava University and a commemorative medal. Within the framework of signed international agreements, the department continues to fruitfully work with the Technical University (Kosice, Slovakia), Tomas Bata University (Zlin, Czech Republic), International Pedagogical Academy (Moscow), European Safety Association (Krakow, Poland), Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University and etc.
The department cooperates with a wide range of institutions of the National Academy of Sciences, in particular with the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences, the Poltava Gravimetric Observatory of the ASU, the Kiev National University, the Institute of Problems of Mathematical Machines and Systems of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and other higher educational institutes.
At the department there is a "Mathematical Circle" in which pupil of 8-11 grades of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine study, as part of the Rivne City Centre of Creativity of Student Youth, Schools of the Rivne Natural and Mathematical Lyceum "Elitar", within this circle, students win high places in national competitions.
For example, a student of "Educational Complex" School-Lyceum # 12 Tyshchuk Yevheniia won the honoured III place in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad of the students of the Minor Academy of Sciences with a research on the topic: "The theory of weight function and its meaning for the diagnosis of mathematical modelling".
The specialists of the department develop and implement high information and statistical technologies, new teaching technologies, and give lectures at foreign universities. That is why the department is known not only in Ukraine but also abroad. The department promotes the professional growth of students to the maximum, including masters of two specialities 122 "Computer Sciences and Information Technologies", 014 Secondary Education (Informatics) both in full-time and part-time forms of study, actively involves students in scientific work, the results of which are published annually in collections of scientific works of the Faculty of Cybernetics and the University. Students of the department in their research often achieve outstanding results. In 2018, a talented master student R. Pokhodzhai successfully defended his master's thesis on "Spectral Analysis of the Dynamics of Cryptocurrency Price". Master student O. Valetskyi in collaboration with Professor Dzhun Y.V. discovered and critically proved the new unknown to humanity the property of the number Pi as an ideal generator of evenly distributed random numbers. This achievement is already displayed in the encyclopaedia. And master's degree research of the student Pastushka P. had the result of introducing for the first time in Ukraine the software complex SAPR / 3 with the fourth generation programming language at the Slavutsk Factory "Budfarfor".
Dzhun Y.V. has solved the complex problems of mathematical processing of observations of the movement of the North Pole, because such processing was a impressive fact that the fundamental postulate of classical methods of data processing were not fulfilled. It was necessary to create a new, non-classical theory of data analysis and modelling. His work on this problem Dzhun Y.V. began by examining the fundamental concept of the famous Cambridge professor Harold Jeffreys, as expressed in his monograph “The Theory Probability”. Being the author of a new interpretation of the notion of probability, Jeffreys put another one, equally important concept: in the case of observations n> 500, the Gaussian law loses its theoretical and practical capacity as the basis of mathematical modelling and estimation, and instead it is necessary to apply the Pearson VII type with diagonal information matrix.
Dzhun made use of all available historical series of observations, from J. Bradley, V. Bessel, A. Michelson and ending with powerful, modern series of observations on the MERIT project and the Galilean Acceleration to test Jeffreys' idea. Dzhun's work took less than 10 years. It fully confirmed the correctness of the Jeffries' concept and its results were successfully defended as a PhD Thesis at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It took another 17 years to fully complete the new non-classical error theory, and only in 1992 was this work successfully defended as a Doctoral Thesis on "Mathematical processing of astronomical and cosmic information in non-Gaussian errors". After that, a peculiar triumph of the new theory was observed in any field of research: geophysics, geodesy, gravimetry, economics, mechanical engineering, fundamental astrometry, etc. Various authors in Ukraine and abroad confirmed the conclusions of Dzhun Y.V. made in his doctoral work. This is the testimony that Dzhun Y.V. developed a new, very promising field of mathematics, which greatly contributed to the development of international activity of the department and international relations of the university. Currently, Professor Dzhun Y.V. is working on a mathematical theory of weight functions and is preparing a fundamental study on the topic: “The theory of weight function and its significance in evolutionary schemes of data analysis and diagnostics of mathematical modelling”. Putting this theory into practice begins with the creation of new generation software in the Data Analysis module.
The Vice-rector of Information Assurance and Innovative Learning Technologies, PhD, Associated Professor Yasinskyi A.M. is responsible for the fruitful scientific work at the Department. He is one of the first in Ukraine to introduce integrated tasks into the educational process and is the head of a scientific school in this area. He prepared three PhDs.
The active scientific work is carried out by the PhD, Associate Professor Lotiuk Yu.H. In 2005 he successfully defended his dissertation on the topic: "Computer-oriented methodological system of teaching computational mathematics at a pedagogical university". He participates in the development of a complex scientific topic "Computer-oriented methodological systems for teaching natural sciences in higher education institutions."
Close relationships connect the department with the largest Pedagogical University in Hungary.
The fruitful cooperation with this prestigious university began in 1998. The result of this cooperation is mutual fruitful contacts of teachers of the Department of Mathematical Modelling with well-known scientists-teachers in our friendly Hungary.
The Rector of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities with the leadership of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Higher School concluded international agreements within the framework. The Department of Mathematical Modelling effectively cooperates with Polish partners in the field of mathematical and statistical data processing.
The department conducts fruitful work for the development of the Minor Academy of Science for the youth in Rivne. The Director of Minor Academy of Science Andrieiev O.A. and Professor Dzhun Y.V. constructed in Rivne an astronomical observatory for students of Minor Academy of Science. It was supported by the Head of the Regional State Administration Viktor Yosypovych Matchuk and with his persistent assistance a telescope was purchased in the USA for about 10,000 UAH.
According to the cooperation agreement between the Minor Academy of Sciences of the students’ youth at the Regional Administration of Education and the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, the department conducts constant work with talented students of Rivne and Rivne regional schools. The result of this work is the continuous winning of high prizes at the national level by the students of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
With the assistance of Dzhun Y.V., a scientific station UA-Rivne-Space was opened in the Minor Academy of Science, with the transfer of a special telescope to Rivne from the Mykolaiv Observatory to monitor the Earth's surface and to connect this station to the NASA World Data Centre.
The cooperation of the department with research and production organisations in Rivne and Rivne region is based on the principles of mutually beneficial partnership. Organisations act as bases of undergraduate practices, and master students in turn introduce information technologies into production.
The cooperation of the department with the institutions of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular with the Main Astronomical Observatory, is limited to the internship of teachers in these institutions, as well as the mastery of astronomical research based on the use of multi measurable mathematical models and related to mathematical processing of mathematical information.
The cooperation of the department with the Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory and Princeton University of the United States, which is the basic for the study of asteroids movement and small planets. It is based on the study of their errors of observations in the system of the newest star catalogues and the diagnosis of observation-calculation differences for these observations, obtained by the modelling of orbits of cosmic bodies and their observations.