All news

04 October 2021
On Thursday, September 23, a group of 4 year students of the Faculty of Pedagogics of the specialty 012 Preschool Education (bachelor) together with the Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogics Marchuk O.O. visited the university library.
04 October 2021
We sincerely congratulate the Vice-Rector for Organizational and Educational Work, Social Affairs and Development on her transfer to the position of Professor of the Department of Psychology!  We are convinced that your professionalism, managerial talent, organizational skills will contribute to achieving significant success! May you always be accomp...
04 October 2021
Today Iryna Cherniavska, professional journalist, editor, media manager, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Profi Space media communication platform, visited the Faculty of Journalism. She held a master class on the topic: "Journalism of the new time: the main trends in media 2021".
04 October 2021
Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of the Economic and Humanities Dean of the Faculty of Cybernetics PhD, Assoc. Prof. Юскович-Жуковська В.І. прийняла участь у Ⅳ Міжнародній науковій конференції “INFORMATION AND INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ⅩⅩⅠ CENTURY” з доповіддю «Інноваційні цифрові технології у трансформації вищої освіти Укр...
04 October 2021
Forum "Preschool Education of Ukraine 30" in Kyiv began the All-Ukrainian preschool week. Scientists of the Rivne region were represented by Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education of our University V. Borova. Minister of Education and Science S. Shkarlet addressed the audience.  He focused on the strategic g...
04 October 2021
How many languages do you speak, so often you are human. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  Knowledge of one language allows you to enter the corridor of life, knowledge of two languages – opens all doors in this corridor Франк Сміт