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23 September 2021
Practical training is an integral part of the training of future educators of preschool education. 2nd year students of the speciality Preschool Education get acquainted with the future profession of educational practice on the basis of a private kindergarten "BABYLAND", Rivne.
23 September 2021
On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, a practical seminar was held in order to form the competence of the use of the latest information technologies in education for research and academic staff of the Faculty of Pedagogics, which provide educational components for the educational professional program of higher education "bachelor" specialty 012 "Preschool ...
23 September 2021
On Monday, September 20, 2021, during the Preschool Week and on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, students of the Faculty of Pedagogics of the speciality of 012 Preschool Education (Bachelor), visited the University's Museum of Peace.
21 September 2021
As part of the study of the discipline "Organization of cooperation with families in preschool education" (lecturer- Doctor of Sciences, Prof. Marchuk O.O.) with students of the 4th year of the part-time education (bachelor) was held a seminar on "Happy family - happy child ". At the event, students Antoniuk Oksana, Povshyk Bohdana, Kovalchuk Kateryn...