Head of the Department of Management
In 1976, he graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State University in the speciality "Labour Economics", economist.
In 1992, he defended his PhD dissertation on "Scientific and methodological foundations of regional management in market relations (on the example of Dnepropetrovsk region)”, specialty 08.00.05 - economics, planning, management of the economy and its industries.
Elected Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine in 1993.
In 1995, he defended his doctoral dissertation on "Interaction of the region and industry in the regulation of structural adjustment (on the example of ferrous metallurgy of Ukraine, Donetsk and Dnieper regions)” in the specialty 08.02.03 - management, planning and state regulation of the economy at the Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy Of Ukraine.
By the decision of the Academic Council of the Kyiv State University of Culture and Arts in 1998, he was awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Economics of Socio-Cultural Sphere.
Working in the central executive bodies, he developed measures to improve the economic condition of industries and mitigate the impact of crises on the financial condition of enterprises and organizations, technical re-equipment of industries and increase their export potential. He directly participated in the development of several Programs of the Government of Ukraine, the Concept and the Program of Industrial Policy of Ukraine.
Author of more than 200 scientific and educational publications, including 7 monographs (including two single); 2 textbooks, 162 professional articles; three articles in foreign publications.
Scientific adviser of 4 doctoral dissertations and supervisor of 12 PhD dissertations. He was the Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.102.05. Editor-in-Chief of the collection of scientific works "Modern issues of economics and law", a member of two editorial boards in professional publications. Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 26.889.01 at the National Academy of Management.
For significant achievements in public, educational and scientific activities he was awarded Diplomas of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv National University, Kyiv International University, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, Diploma of the First Degree Of Ukraine. By the Decree of the President of Ukraine Honcharov Yu.V. was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Economist of Ukraine".
Scientific directions: management of innovation and investment development and increase of competitiveness of national economy and export potential of domestic commodity producers, management of integration processes.