Educational and Career Guidance Work

The main focus of educational work with students is the comprehensive development of personality. It is the basis of the education and aims to train students for industrial, social and cultural activities. The additional directions are the formation of national consciousness, patriotic feeling and culture of behaviour.

The department conducts educational work in all the following directions. The moral education involves the formation of a sense of responsibility, humanity, justice, honour, nobility in the relationship of the student to friends, lecturers, parents, society, etc. The students' educational work involves the formation of different professional skills. It is extremely important for the educational work to be a personal example of the behaviour of the lecturers of the department. All lecturers of the department conduct classes and consultations in Ukrainian. In the progress of the educational work the lecturers use both mass and individual methods of education.

Students of the III and IV courses are able to test their knowledge and skills during industrial practices, thanks to the cooperation of lecturers of the department with various organisations and institutions. The vast majority of the III and IV year students already have a full-time job in the profession before they graduate from university. This is facilitated by constant career guidance at the Faculty of Cybernetics, at the Department of Information Systems and Calculating Methods, conducting practices and regular meetings with potential employers:

- commercial banks and asset management companies;

- insurance companies and investment funds;

- consulting agencies and audit firms,

- centres of sociological and marketing research;

- enterprises of different forms of ownership and production orientation;

- software development companies;

- educational institutions, research institutions, etc.

Lecturers of the department actively work with entrants, attend schools, lyceums, high schools, colleges and more. They have interviews and inform prospective students about the educational activities of Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economic and Humanities, Faculty of Cybernetics, Department of Information Systems and Calculating Methods and Specialities, which are taught at the University.