Hilarion, Archbishop of Rivne and Ostroh attended a press conference at the Faculty of Journalism. Even before the traditional part with questions and answers, the guest expressed his sincere gratitude for the opportunity to meet and stressed that without a single church there will never be a strong and independent Ukraine.
Love is the most beautiful feeling that accompanies us always and everywhere. Today we live in conditions of uncertainty, stress and constant anxiety.
The delegation of the IUEH took part in the International Conference AURORA “The Role of Higher Education in Peacebuilding”, which was held on February 17-21 at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. The Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities was represented at the conference by Rector Vitalii Demianchuk, Vi...
A meeting of DESTIN project participants has recently taken place to discuss prospects for further cooperation in the field of journalism within the framework of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).As a reminder, the international grant project DESTIN (Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and ...
On 31 January, a meeting of the coordinators of the Polish grant project RITA - Changes in the Region 2.0 was held.It is worth reminding that in December 2024, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities together with Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Cult...
The end of the semester always coincides with the winter holidays - a time of pleasant gifts and New Year's greetings. And a warm greeting from the recipient, with whom you are separated by a distance of thousands of kilometres, is especially heartwarming. Best wishes from foreign partners - students of Stone Bridge High School (USA) - went to the me...