
Scientific Work
Lecturers of the department work within the complex topic of the University "Psychological and pedagogical bases of humanization of educational process in school and university" (state registration number 0106u002439), scientific topic of the Faculty of History and Philology "Actual issues of development of humanitarian education and the Ukrainian language education" "Actual problems of language and literature study at school and university" (scientific supervisor - Prof. Nazarets V.M.)
The Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature provides the educational process at the full-time and part-time departments of the faculties of the University. Teachers of the department read courses in Ukrainian literature, foreign literature, introduction to literary critics, theory of literature, folklore, children's literature, expressive reading, rhetoric, oratorical art, modern Ukrainian language, introduction to linguistics, Ukrainian language for science, analytical sphere of communication, workshop of Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language for professional communication, etc. at the Faculty of History and Philology and other faculties of the University. The scientific interests of the members of the department are related to linguistic and literary problems.
While executing the departmental theme, the employees of the department deal with the following problems:
- Poetics of lyrical Work, genre specific organization of lyrics (Prof. Nazarets V.M.);
- History of Ukrainian Literature at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Assoc. Prof. Myroniuk V.M.);
- Ukrainian Writer's Epistolary (Assoc. Prof. Sarkisova I.A.);
- Theories and History of Ukrainian Literary Studies (Senior Lecturer Shkabarina M.A.);
- Language Grammatical Categories, Functional Grammar, Slavic Aspectology (Prof. Medynska N.M.);
- Ukrainian linguistics, problems of formation of linguistic personality of schoolchildren and university students (Assoc. Prof. Hruba T.L.);
- Theories and Histories of Children's Literature, genre-style dominants of contemporary prose for children (Assoc. Prof. Ovdiichuk L.M.);
- Comparative Linguistics, Methods of Teaching Slavic Languages (Senior Lecturer Brylova L.Ye.)
The scientific achievements of the department are more than 500 publications (monographs, teaching aids for universities, scientific and methodological developments, articles, materials of conferences).
Nazarets V.M. Istorychni vytoky ta khudozhnia transformatsiia adresovanosti v komunikatyvnii strukturi poetychnoho tvoru //Mova. Svidomist. Kontsept: Zbirnyk naukovykh statei. - Melitopol: MDPU im. B.Khmelnytskoho, 2016. - Vyp. 6. - S. 167-172.
Nazarets V.M. Riznovydy vnutrishnotekstovykh adresativ v adresovanii lirytsi Lesi Ukrainky //Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu "Ostrozka akademiia". Seriia "Filolohichna": Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. - Ostroh: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu "Ostrozka akademiia", 2016. - Vyp. 61. - S.264-266.
Nazarets V.M. Henolohichna spetsyfika virshovanoho poslannia// Khudozhni fenomeny v istorii svitovoi literatury: perekhid movy v pysmennytstvo ("Horyzont ochikuvannia"): Tezy dopovidei II Mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii. - Kh.: KhNU imeni V.N.Karazina, 2016. - S.53-54.
Nazarets V.M. Pryntsypy teoretychnoi dyferentsiatsii zhanrovykh form adresovanoi liryky // Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia Filolohiia. - 2016. - №19. Tom 1.-S.163-166.
Nazarets V. M., Lapchyk L. A. Poslannia ta yoho zhanrovi osoblyvosti // Psykholoho-pedahohichni osnovy humanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v shkoli ta VNZ: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. – № 1 (15). – Rivne : RVTs MEHU im. akad. S. Demianchuka, 2016. – S.98-104.
Nazarets V.M. Formy avtorskoi refleksii zhanru poslannia v tekstakh ukrainskoi adresovanoi liryky KhIKh-KhKh st. //Literatury svitu: Poetyka, mentalnist i dukhovnist. – 2016. – Vyp 7. – S. 95-101.
Nazarets V. Genealogical specifity of the poetic epistle //Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology. – 2017. - Issue 1 (1). - P. 66-73.
Nazarets V.M. Zhanrovi modeli poslannia u suchasnomu literaturoznavstvi //Aktualni problemy literaturoznavchoi terminolohii: Vyp. 2. Naukovyi zbirnyk / Vidp. red. Ye.M.Vasyliev. - Rivne: O.Zen, 2017 - S.95-98.
Nazarets V. Henolohichni typy adresovanoi liryky v ukrainskii poezii KhIKh-KhKh stolit // Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia Filolohiia. - 2017. - №27. Tom 1.-S.25-28.
Nazarets V.M. Zhanrovi formy adresovanoi liryky Lesi Ukrainky //Literatury svitu: poetyka, mentalnist i dukhovnist. – 2017. – Vyp. 9. – S.82-90.
Nazarets V.M., Vasyliev Ye.M. Osnovy teorii literatury. - Lap Lambert Academic, 20017 – 203 s.
Nazarets V. M., Baraniuk Ya. M. Adresovana liryka T. Shevchenka //Priorytety filolohichnoi osvity: zb. nauk. pr. studentiv, mahistrantiv filolohichnykh spets. zakladiv vyshchoi osvity Rivnenshchyny, uchniv viddilennia filolohii ta mystetstvoznavstva RMANUM. – Rivne – Ostroh Vyd-vo NU «Ostrozka akad..», 2018. – S. 93-96.
Nazarets V.M. Typolohiia zhanrovo-tematychnykh riznovydiv prysviaty // Suchasni movo- i literaturoznavchi metodolohii ta novi prochytannia khudozhnoho tekstu. Antolohiia / uporiadnyky L.K.Oliander, O.V.Bohdanova, Yu.V.Hromyk, I.F.Shteiner. – Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2018.- S. 322-332.
Nazarets V.M. Vnutrishnotekstovyi adresat ukrainskoi adresovanoi liryky // Zbirnyk tez ta vystupiv uchasnykiv Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku vyshchoi shkoly ta ekonomiky v KhKhI stolitti», prysviachenoi 25-richchiu MEHU im. akademika Stepana Demianchuka (11-12 zhovtnia 2018 r.). – Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad. S. Demianchuka, 2018. - S.168-170.
Nazarets V.M. Typy vnutrishnotekstovoho adresata v tekstakh ukrainskoi adresovanoi liryky KhIKh-KhKh stolit //Vcheni zapysky Tavriiskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.I.Vernadskoho. – Tom 30(69). - №2. -2019. - S.117-121
II International Scientific Conference "Artistic Phenomena in the History of World Literature: Transition of Language into Writing", Kharkiv, 8-9 April 2016 (Program, abstracts)
International Scientific Congress "Ivan Franko: I am a prologue ..." (to the 160th birthday). Lviv, September 22-24, 2016 (Program, Certificate)
International scientific seminar "Conceptual problems of language functioning in multicultural space". Melitopel, March 30, 2016 (Program, Article)
X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Intercultural Communication: Language-Culture-Personality", Ostrog, 7-8 April 2016 (Program, Certificate, Article)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "History of Ukrainian Statehood", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. Rivne, IUEH, September 22, 2016 (Certificate)
Conference "Priorities of philological education", Rivne, RSHU, October 27, 2016 (certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Ukrainian Verification: Issues of History and Theory", Chernivtsi, September 29-30, 2016 (article in print)
International Scientific Conference "Lesia Ukrainka Universe: Man, Culture, Ethosophy", Lutsk, June 28-30, 2016 (article in print)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues in Literary Terminology" (Rivne, April 28-29, 2017) (article)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century" (Exactly, October 26-27, 2017) (certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Bohdan Lepkii and his role in the development of Ukrainian national culture", Berezhany, November 9, 2017 (Program)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Higher Education and Economics in the 21st Century", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH (October 11-12, 2018). - Rivne.
ХУІІ Viktor Uzhchenko All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Figurative Word of Luhansk Region" (April 20, 2018, Starobilsk)
Twenty-ninth Scientific Session of the T. Shevchenka Scientific Society, Lviv, February 16 - March 25, 2018
Dissertation guidance for the PhD degree Artemenko L.V. "The discourse of artist and art in Ukrainian poetry of the twentieth century." Speciality 10.01.01-Ukrainian Literature. Defended on October 27, 2016, at the meeting of the specialised scientific council K 58.053.02 on the defence of the dissertations for the degree of PhD in Philology at the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
Response to the abstract of the PhD thesis Shtohryn M.V. "Urbanistic Topoes of Modern Ukrainian Literature: Traditions and Transformations (2000-2014). Speciality 10.01.01-Ukrainian Literature. The defence was held on November 16, 2016 at the meeting of the specialised academic council D 26.133.03 at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Response to the abstract of the PhD thesis Halahan Ya. V. "The lyrical creativity of M.D.Rakhlina: representation of tradition, intertext". Speciality 10.01.02-Russian Literature. The defence was held on November 30, 2016 at a meeting of the specialised academic council D 64.053.03 at the H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
Doctoral thesis Shtepenko O.H "Structural settings of modern and post-modern literary auto reflection of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries". Speciality 10.01.06-Theory of Literature; 10.01.02-Russian literature. The defence was held on December 20, 2017 at the meeting of the specialised academic council D 26.133.03 at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Response to abstract: doctoral dissertation Bessarab A.O. "Social and communication technologies of forming the reading culture of the Ukrainian book in the information society". Speciality 27.00.01-Theory and History of Social Communications. The defence was held on March 1, 2017 at a meeting of the specialised academic council D 17.127.06 at the Classical Private University (Zaporizhzhia)
Response to the abstract: PhD thesis Antonenko T.O. "The Poetics of Valentyn Cheremys' Fiction". Speciality 10.01.01-Ukrainian Literature. The defence was held on March 3, 2017 at a meeting of the specialised academic council D 64.053.03 at the H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
Response to the abstract: PhD thesis Kobzar Yu.V. "Satire as a way of constructing artistic reality in the work of Yury Zoifer." Speciality 10.01.04-literature of foreign countries. The defence was held on March 14, 2017 at the meeting of the specialised scientific council D 26.178.01 at the Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Response to the abstract: PhD thesis Yablonska N.M. "Postmodern Discourse of Volodymyr Danylenko's Fiction". Speciality 10.01.01-Ukrainian Literature. The defence was held on May 4, 2017 at the meeting of the specialiіed scientific council K 58.053.02 at the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
Response to the abstract: PhD thesis Tokarieva L.V. "Concepts and Narratives of Serbian Prose in the 1960's and 1990's." Speciality 10.01.03-literature of the Slavic peoples. The defence took place on December 4, 2017 at the meeting of the specialized scientific council D 26.001.39 at the Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Response to abstract: PhD thesis Smahlii I.V. "The author's consciousness and the peculiarity of its poetic expression in the poetry of Svitlana Yovenko." Speciality 10.01.01-Ukrainian Literature. The defence took place on September 7, 2017 at the meeting of the specialized scientific council K 18.092.02 at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
Expert conclusions: PhD thesis Skliar A.Iu. "Artistic and aesthetic dominants of being a dramaturgic work (based on the material of Ukrainian dramaturgy of the 1990s"). Speciality 10.01.06-Theory of Literature. The defence took place on December 7, 2017 at the meeting of the specialised scientific council K 14.053.03 at the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
Response to the abstract of the doctoral thesis of Shulhun Madleny Eduardivny "The meta-genre of travel in the context of transitional artistic thinking (end of XX - beginning of XXI century"), submitted for the degree of Doctor of Science in Philology in specialities 10.01.06. - Theory of Literature. Literary Studies (March 16, 2018, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Response to the abstract of the Shostak Olhy Oleksandrivny's dissertation "The Emigration" Text of Ivan Franko ", submitted for the degree of PhD in Philology, speciality 10.01.06 - Theory of Literature
Participation in the work of the specialised academic council: To 14.053.03 at the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University (member of the special council)
Member of the editorial board of the professional collection of scientific works "Foreign Literature"
Hruba Tamila. Redahuvannia tekstu yak zasib formuvannia hramatychnoi kompetentnosti uchniv profilnoi shkoly / T. Hruba // Ukrainska mova i literatura v shkolakh Ukrainy : nauk.-metod. ta lit.-myst. zhurn. ‒ 2016. ‒ № 6. ‒ S. 10‒12.
Hruba T. L. Realizatsiia zhanrovoho aspektu navchannia ukrainskoi movy uchniv profilnoi shkoly / T. L. Hruba // Narodna osvita. ‒ 2016. ‒ Vyp. 2. ‒ S. 56‒59.
Hruba T. L. Profesiino oriientovanyi tekst yak providnyi zasib navchannia ukrainskoi movy v profilnykh klasakh / T. L. Hruba // Teoretychna i dydaktychna filolohiia. ‒ 2016. ‒ Vyp. 22. ‒ S. 24‒32. ‒ Rezhym dostupu: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/tdf_2016_22_5.
Hruba T.L. Hramatychni vpravy yak efektyvnyi zasib formuvannia hramatychnoi kompetentnosti uchniv profilnoi shkoly / T.L. Hruba // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Umanskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Pavla Tychyny / [hol. red.: M. T. Martyniuk]. – Uman : FOP Zhovtyi O. O., 2016. – V. 2. – C. 63-70.
Hruba T.L. Formuvannia hramatychnoi kompetentnosti uchniv profilnoi shkoly / T.L. Hruba // Zbirnyk tez Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konferentsii «Istoriia ukrainskoi derzhavnosti», prysviachenoi 25-richchiu proholoshennia nezalezhnosti Ukrainy. – Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad. S. Demʼianchuka. ‒ S. 14‒17.
Hruba Tamila. Osoblyvosti zastosuvannia metodu vprav na urokakh ukrainskoi movy v profilnii shkoli/ T. L. Hruba // EUROPEJSKIE STUDIA HUMANISTYCZNE: Edukacja i Szkolenia. – 2016 r. – Vyp. II. – S. 279 – 288.
Tamila Gruba. Realization of the text-centric approach in the lessons of the Ukrainian language in the upper classes / T. L. Rough // Intercultural Communication (Poland). - 2017.- № 2 (3) .- P. 43-56.
Grubat L. The lesson of the Ukrainian language in the profile school: problems and perspectives / TL Grub // Scientific Journal "Virtus" (Canada) ISSN - 2410-4388, December, issue 10, 2016.- pp.C .89-92
Program in the Ukrainian language (profile level) / incl .: Matsko LI, Gruba TL, Semenog OM, Symonenko TV Information collection and comments of the Ministry of Education and Science. Educational press. 2017. № 12. 95 p. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 1407 of October 23, 2017
Hruba T. L. Teoriia i praktyka formuvannia movnoi osobystosti uchniv starshoi shkoly na urokakh ukrainskoi movy (profilnyi riven):monohrafiia. Kyiv, 2018. 336 s.
Hruba Tamila. Samostiina robota u systemi formuvannia movnoi osobystosti uchniv profilnykh klasiv / T. L. Hruba // Ukrainska mova ta literatura v shkoli-2018 r - № 6.- S.3-6
Hruba Tamila. Filosofski zasady formuvannia movnoi osobystosti vypusknyka profilnykh klasiv u prospektsii suchasnoi movnoi osvity. / T L. Hruba//Science and Educetion a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology, IV(63), Issue:b153, 2018 r.- S. 28-31
Hruba T. L. Sutnisni kharakterystyky movnoi osobystosti vypusknyka profilnoi shkoly. Naukovyi visnyk Donbasu. 2018. № 1–2. URL: http://nvd.luguniv.edu.ua/archiv/2018/N1-2(37-38)/gtlvps.PDF
Hruba T. L. Komunikatyvno-zhanrovyi pidkhid do navchannia ukrainskoi movy u profilnykh klasakh. Nova pedahohichna dumka: naukovo-metodychnyi zhurnal. 2019. № 1 (97). S. 80–83.
Hruba T. L. Suchasni pidkhody do formuvannia movnoi osobystosti uchniv na urokakh ukrainskoi movy (profilnyi riven). Naukovyi visnyk Mykolaivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V. O. Sukhomlynskoho. Pedahohichni nauky / za red. prof. T. Stepanovoi. № 1 (64), liutyi 2019. Mykolaiv: MNU imeni V. O. Sukhomlynskoho, 2019. S. 65‒71.
Hruba T. L. Problema formuvannia movnoi osobystosti yak mizhdystsyplinarne poniattia. Naukovi zapysky / upor. L. L. Makarenko. Kyiv: Vyd-vo NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova, 2019. Vyp. SXKhKhKhII (142). S. 51–60.
Hruba T. L. Strukturni osoblyvosti osvitnoho prostoru uchniv profilnykh klasiv: teoretychnyi aspekt. Aktualnыe nauchnыe yssledovanyia v sovremennom myre. Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, 2019. Vыp. 1(45). Ch. 4. S. 149–156.
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "History of Ukrainian Statehood". Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's declaration of independence on September 22, 2016 Rivne, Topic of the report: Linguistic personality in the system of invariant basis of integrated learning.
Third All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Development of National-Linguistic Personality in Continuing Education: Acquisitions, Realities, Perspectves”, November 10-11, 2016, Uman. Topic of the Report: Ways of Formation of Grammatical Competence in the Ukrainian Language Classes at the Prof. School
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Priorities of philological education", October 27, 2016. Rivne Topic of the report: Professional text in prospect of formation of genre skills of high school students
At the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF CULTURE OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH" (October 27-28, 2016) (program)
And the Internatonal Scientific-Practical Conference "Man in the Language Space: Historical Heritage, Problems, Prospects for Development" (within the Year of English in Ukraine), May 19-20, 2016 in Berdyansk. Topic of the Report: An Integrated Approach to Forming Multicultural Competence of Profile School Students
XI-th International Scientific-Practical Conference "Higher Education of Ukraine in the Context of Integration into the European Educational Space" November 24-26, 2016, Kyiv. Topic of the report: Features of the method of exercises in the Ukrainian language lessons in the prof. school
International Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century". October 26-27, 2017 Rivne. Topic of the report: "Features of project training in the system of forming the linguistic personality of a student-philologist"
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems of the Culture of the Ukrainian Language and Speech", November 9-10, 2017 Ostroh
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture", October 27, 2017. Mlyniv. The topic of the report: "Mastering the profile classes of speech etiquette as a basis for successful socialisation"
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Contemporary Grammar" May 18, 2017, Cherkasy, Ukraine. Topic of the report: “Formation of language literacy of a graduate of a prof. school”
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Strategic Priorities of Philology and Linguistics in the Conditions of Reforming the Education System in Ukraine" April 27, 2017 in Starobilsk. Topic of the report: CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF THE LANGUAGE PERSONALITY OF OLDER SCHOOL PUPILS UNDER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "LINGUISTIC AND LINGUIDIDACTIC DISCURRENT SPACE: ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS" October 12-13, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Topic of the report: Principles of compiling an electronic textbook in Ukrainian for high school students of a profile school
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference «Twenty-eighth Scientific Session of the Scientific Society of Shevchenko »February 16 - March 25, 2017 Lviv - 2017. Report topic: The linguistic personality of the teacher-dictionary: measurement parameter
Participation in the work of the round table "Assessment of academic achievement of students of secondary schools" March 17, 2017 Kyiv. Ukraine
Participation in the Scientifi and Practical Conference "Modern Linguistic Education" April 20-21, 2018 in Kropyvnytsk. Topic of the report: “Formation of language competences of a graduate of a profile school”
Participation in the international scientific-practical conference "Formation of linguistic aesthetic ideal by means of educational disciplines" on April 26, 2018 in Sumy. The theme of the report: "Synthesis of the arts as a condition for the formation of the emotionally-shaped component of the linguistic personality of the graduate of the profile school"
Participation in the work of the round table "Topical problems of competently oriented learning of Ukrainian language in modern educational institutions"
The event is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding linguistic-didactic scientist, corresponding member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor BILIAIEV Oleksandr Mykhailovych March 16, 2018. Topic of the report: "Theoretical concepts of competence approach"
Participation in the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "The Figurative Word of Luhansk Region" April 20, 2018, Starobilsk. Topic of the Report: LINGOCULTURAL APPROACH TO UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS
Twenty-ninth Scientific Session of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, February 16 - March 25, 2018
"The paradigmatic space of modern Ukrainian personality linguistics". To the 80th Anniversary of Doctor of Science in Philology, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine L. I. Matsko (Kyiv, 2019)
Thirty Session of Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society. - Lviv, February 15 - March 30, 2019.
V All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems in the Education System: General Secondary Education - Pre-University Training - Higher Education", Kyiv, April 18, 2019.
Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture", Kvasyliv, 2019
Yusko Ivan won 1st place (1st stage) Ukrainian language Olympiad among non-philological faculties
Yusko Ivan won 2nd place Petro Yatsyk Regional Competition for Ukrainian Language Experts
Participation in the work of the jury
Member of the jury of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Ukrainian
Deputy Chairman of the Jury of the Petro Yatsyk International Competition for Ukrainian Language Experts
Smushok Anna won 1st place (1st stage) Ukrainian language Olympiad among non-philological faculties
Smushok Anna won 2nd place Petro Yatsyk Regional Competition for Ukrainian Language Experts
Participation in the work of the jury
Ukrainian language expert of stage II of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Ukrainian
Deputy Chairman of the Jury of the Petro Yatsyk International Competition for Ukrainian Language Experts
Ukrainian language expert of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on Ukrainian language (March 2018), Vinnytsia
Yakovets Yana Vitaliivna (Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sport) won 1st place (1st stage) in Ukrainian language Olympiad among non-philological faculties (Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sport)
Yakovets Yana Vitaliivna (Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sport) won 3rd place at the Petro Yatsyk International Competition for Ukrainian Language
Member of the jury of the Student Regional Olympiad in Ukrainian
PhD Dissertation pposition by Simonenko Liudmyly Yuriivny "Lingvodidactic Principles of Organisation of Control of Formation Competence of Future Teachers of Ukrainian Language", submitted for the PhD degree in pedagogical sciences in Speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Teaching (Ukrainian)
PhD Dissertation Opposition by Kushnir Tetiany Ivanivny "Formation of grammatical competence of students of 8-9 classes in the process of syntax study", submitted for the PhD degree in pedagogical sciences in Specialit 13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Teaching (Ukrainian)
Response to the abstract of the PhD dissertation Balyk T.M. "Formation of communication skills of elementary school students in the process of working on transfers with the introduction of additional micro topics" in the speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Learning (Ukrainian)
PhD Dissertation Opposition by Horoshkina Ihoria Oleksandrovycha "Linguistic and foundational principles of formation of linguistic personality of the future translator in the process of teaching Ukrainian language", submitted for the PhD degree in pedagogical sciences in the speciality 13.00.02 - T Theory and Methods of Training (Ukrainian)
PhD Dissertation Opposition by Tetiana Oleksandrivna on the topic "Formation of grammatical competence of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature on the basis of text-centric approach", submitted for the PhD degree in pedagogical sciences, speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Training
Response to Kondratenko Natalii Yuriivny's PhD Dissertation on the Topic "Methods of Formation of Communicative Competence of Future Journalists on the Basis of Linguocultural Studies", speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Training (Ukrainian)
PhD Dissertation Opposition by Shkavr Volodymyr Volodymyrovych "Methodology of test control of educational achievements of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature on linguistic disciplines", submitted for the PhD degree in pedagogical sciences in the speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Training
Review of the dissertation of Karpovets Christina Nikolaevna "Formation of spelling competence of future philologists in the process of studying linguistic disciplines" in specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Training (Ukrainian language). Ostroh Academy, 2019
Karpovets Khrystyny Mykolaivny dissertation review "Theory and practice of education and upbringing of children and youth in educational and cultural institutions of Volyn XIX - the first half of XX century", presented for the degree of Doctor of Science in Pedagogy in the speciality 13.00.01 - General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy
Response to the abstract of the PhD thesis Semenvna Nataliia Liubomyrivna "Linguistic and foundational principles of creation and use of the electronic textbook of Ukrainian for 5th grade" (on the material of the sections: Phonetics. Orthoepia. Graphics. Spelling)» in speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Training.
Doctoral dissertation defense: Hruba T.L. «Methods of formation of the linguistic personality of the senior pupil at the lessons of the Ukrainian language (profile level)» in speciality 13.00.02. - Theory and Methods of Training (Ukrainian) in the specialised academic council D 26. 133. 05 of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Ukrainian Language and Literature" (Certificate series № 20241-10041 dated September 12, 2013)
Member of the editorial board of the publication "Psychological and pedagogical bases of humanization of the educational process in school and university" (According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №793 from 04.07.2014)
Problema transpozytsii ta aspekty yii vyvchennia v suchasnomu movoznavstvi // Teoretychna i dydaktychna filolohiia : zbirnyk naukovykh prats. – Seriia «Filolohiia». –Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi : «FOP Dombrovska Ya.M.», 2016. – Vypusk 22. – S. 47 – 59.
Predykatyvni syntaksemy diiesliv bahatokratno-dystrybutyvnoi dii v suchasnii ukrainskii movi / Mova: klasychne – moderne – postmoderne : zbirnyk naukovykh stattei / Nats.un-t «Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia» ; vidpovid. Red. V. M. Ozhohan. – Kyiv : TOV «SIK HRUP Ukraina», 2016. – VYP.2. – S. 156 -161.
Predykatyvni znachennia syntaksem oznakovykh sliv // Aktualni problemy filolohii ta perekladoznavstva: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. – Vypusk desiatyi / holovnyi redaktor M. Ye. Skyba; vidpovidalnyi za vypusk M. M. Torchynskyi – Khmelnytskyi: FOP Bidiuk Ye. I., 2016. – Tom 2 (K – P). – S. 160 – 165.
Osobennosty funktsyonalnoi transpozytsyy chyslytelnoho v sovremennom ukraynskom yazыke // European Applied Sciences, № 11 2016 (November)) – 500 copies Passed in press in December 2016 ISSN 2195-2183 (Hermanyia).
Aktualni napriamy ukrainskoi linhvistyky yak osnova formuvannia polikulturnoi movnoi osobystosti obdarovanyykh ditei // Zbirnyk materialiv Vseukrainskoi naukovoi konferentsii «Mizhkulturna komunikatsiia: mova, kultura, osobystist».-Rivne,ROIPPO «Volynski oberehy», 2016 – S. 33 – 39.
Katehoriia osoby v hramatychnii systemi diieslova // Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia». Seriia «Filolohichna» : zbirnyk naukovykh prats / [hol. red. I. D. Pasichnyk]. – Ostroh : Vyd-vo Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia», 2017. – Vyp. 68. – S. 50 – 55.
Obiektyvatsiia y eksplikatsiia hramatychnoi semantyky katehorii sposobu v systemi diieslivnoi paradyhmy // Naukovyi chasopys Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia 10. Problemy hramatyky i leksykolohii ukrainskoi movy: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats / Vidp. redaktor M.Ia. Pliushch. – K.: NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2017. – Vypusk 13. – C. 81 – 87.
Realizatsiia katehoriinykh znachen osoby v odnoskladnykh diieslivnykh rechenniakh u suchasnii ukrainskii movi // Intercultural Sommunication , Vol. 2 (3), 2017, P. 57 – 72. (Polsha)
Oznakovi slova v ukrainskii movi: semantychna ta hramatychna dyferentsiatsiia: monohrafiia. – Rivne : Vydavets O. Zen, 2018. – 420 s.
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "History of Ukrainian Statehood". Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's declaration of independence on September 22, 2016 in Rivne (program, certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Priorities of Philological Education", October 27, 2016, RSHU Rivne (program, certificate; section leader)
All-Ukrainian Hryshchenko Readings (September 22, 2016, Nizhyn) (program)
At the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "CURRENT ISSUES OF CULTURE OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH" (October 27-28, 2016) (program; section leader)
All-Ukrainian Inter-Institutional Scientific Reading Room “UKRAINIAN LITERATURE FROM ANCIENT TO MODERNITY: PARADIGMS, DIRECTIONS, PROBLEMS” to the 105th Anniversary of the Birth of Doctor of Science Philology, Professor Mykhailo Davydovych Bernshtein
VI International Scientific Readings "Linguistic Studies of Young Researchers" in memory of Professor K. F. Shulzhuk May 25, 2016, Rivne (program)
International Scientific Conference "Scientific Terminology of the Beginning of the New Century: Theoretical and Applied Dimensions" (NUWEE) September 15-16, 2016 Rivne (program)
III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Acquisitions, Problems, Prospects for Development" (6-7 October 2016 Pereiaslav-Khmelnytsk) (program, article)
Third International Conference on “Ethnos, Language and Culture: Past, Present, and Future” (May 18-19, Lublin, Poland 2016) (program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference, “Strategic Priorities of Philology and Linguistics in the Conditions of Reforming the Ukrainian Education System” ((Starobilsk, April 27, 2017) (program)
Twenty-eighth Scientific Session of Shevchenko Scientific Society (March 2017 Lviv) (program)
II All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF CULTURE OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH" (November 9-10, Ostrog 2017) (program, publication)
Interregional Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture" (October 27, 2017, Mlyniv, 2017) (program)
International Scientific Conference "The Ukrainian Language in the space-time dimension" (October 20, 2017 Kyiv) (program, publication)
Inter-Institutional Scientific Reading Room “UKRAINIAN LITERATURE FROM ANCIENT TO MODERNITY: PARADIGMS, DIRECTIONS, PROBLEMS ”! (Zaporizhzhia 2017) (program)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century", 26-27 October 2017, Rivne, Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH (program)
Roundtable "Ukrainian Freedom Fighter" Called for Time "on the occasion of presentation of the reprint of P. Hrabovskoho's book" Prolisok (Snowdrop)", Rivne, September 29, 2017
Roundtable “An epochal book that represented Ukraine in the world” (Reprint of T. Shevchenko's “Kobzar” by Vienna, edited by B. Lepkohii), Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, November 28, 2017.
"Problems and Prospects of Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century". dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities
All-Ukrainian Hryshchenko Readings (October 5, 2018) (program)
Participation in the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "The Figurative Word of the Luhansk Region" April 20, 2018, Starobilsk. Topic of the Report: LINGOCULTURAL APPROACH TO UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS
Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture" (November 8, 2018)
Organisation of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture" (November 8, 2018)
All-Ukrainian Hryshchenko Readings (Nizhyn, 2019) Thirteenth Session of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society. - Lviv, February 15 - March 30, 2019.
V All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems in the Education System: General Secondary Education - Pre-University Training - Higher Education", Kyiv, April 18, 2019.
Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture", Kvasyliv, 2019
Organisation and conducting of the First stage of the Ukrainian language Olympiad and selection rounds of competitions of Ukrainian language experts Petro Yatsyk and T. Shevchenko, winners:
Melnychuk Nataliia (3 year)
Romaniuk Oksana (magistracy)
Tkachuk Iryna (4 year)
Tkachuk Iryna won ІІ place Petro Yatsyk Regional competition of experts of the Ukrainian language
Third place Taras Shevchenko Regional Language and Literature Competition
Worked at the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Chairman of the jury of students of the Rivne Regional Minor Academy of Sciences of the Department of Philology of the section "Ukrainian Language" Check and review of student scientific works (January - February 2016)
Member of the organising committee of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of students-members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2016-2017.
Organisation and conducting of the First stage of the Ukrainian language Olympiad and selection rounds of competitions of Ukrainian language experts Petro Yatsyk and T. Shevchenko, winners:
Kvasiuk Tatiana (4th year)
Melnychuk Nataliia (4th year)
Poliukhovych Olia (3 year)
Kvasiuk Tetiana won 2nd place Petro Yatsyk Regional Competition for Ukrainian Language Experts
Melnychuk Nataliia won 2nd place Taras Shevchenko Regional Language and Literature Competition
Melnychuk Nataliia won 3rd place in the II Stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad (National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, April 2017) - 3rd place
Participation in the work of the jury
Member of the jury of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad (National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, April 2017)
Work at the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Chairman of the jury of students of the Rivne Regional Minor Academy of Sciences of the Department of Philology of the section "Ukrainian language" Review and assessment of student scientific works (February 2017)
Member of the organising committee of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of students-members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2016-2017.
The winners of the first stage of the Ukrainian language Olympiad and the selection round of competitions of Ukrainian language experts Petro Yatsyk and T. Shevchenko, winners:
Bondar Olia (3rd year)
Melnychuk Nataliia (magistracy)
Maksymchuk Tetiana (4th year)
Bondar Olia won 2nd place Petro Yatsyk Regional Competition for Ukrainian Language Experts
Deputy Chairman of the Jury of the Petro Yatsyk Ukrainian Language Expert
Work at the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The chairman of the jury of students of the Rivne Regional Minor Academy of Sciences of the Department of Philology of the section "Ukrainian language" Review and assessment of student scientific works (February 2018)
Member of the organising committee of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of students-members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2017-2018.
Member of the Specialised Scientific Council К 26.053.25 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 528) in speciality 10.02.01 - Ukrainian language for the defence of PhD at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Doctoral dissertation defence: Medynska N.M. "Semantic-grammatical differentiation of sign words" in speciality 10.02.01 - Ukrainian language in the specialised scientific council D 26.173.01 of the Institute of Ukrainian language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Chlen redkolehii ne fakhovoho zbirnyka naukovykh prats: Priorytety filolohichnoi osvity : zbirnyk nauk. prats studentiv, mahistrantiv filolohichnykh spetsialnostei VNZ Rivnenshchyny i uchniv viddilennia filolohii ta mystetstvoznavstva RMAN uchnivskoi molodi. – Rivne – Ostroh : Vyd-vo NU «Ostrozka akademiia», 2016. – Vyp. 4. – 103 s.
Retsenzent navchalno-metodychnoho posibnyka «Kultura movlennia ta vyrazne chytannia» » : navch.-metodych. Posibnyk dlia studentiv spetsialnosti – 012 «Doshkilna osvita» VNZ. – Rivne – Ostroh : Vyd-vo Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia», 2016. – 189s. (avtor – kadydat filolohichnykh nauk, dotsent kafedry pedahohiky i psykholohii RDHU Stepanova O. I.)
Shkilni povisti Vsevoloda Nestaika: osoblyvosti indyvidualnoho styliu // Literatura. Dity. Chas. Vicnyk Tsentru doslidzhennia literatury dlia ditei ta yunatstva. Vyp. 5. – Lviv, 2016. – S. 150-160.
VII mandrivnyi sympozium u Kyievi, abo Literatura. Dity. Chas u stolychnykh masshtabakh// Vsesvitnia literatura v shkolakh Ukrainy. – 2016. – №5. – S. 3-6.
Spohad yak zhanrotvorchyi chynnyk avtobiohrafichnoi prozy (za povistiu «Poterchata V. Rutkivskoho») // Ukrainska literatura vid davnyny do suchasnosti: paradyhmy, napriamky, problemy: do 105 richnytsi vid dnia narodzhennia doktora filolohichnykh nauk, profesora Mykhaila Davydovycha Bernshteina. Materialy mizh vyshivskykh chytan 25 liutoho 2016 roku. Zbirnyk. – Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizkyi natsionalnyi universytet, 2016. – S.105-107.
Artystyczno-biograficzne dzieło jako terapia traumy totalitarnej epoki (na podstawie powieści Włodzimierza Rutkiwskiego „Poterczata”) // Trauma jako kulturowy palimpsest: (post)komunizm w kontekście porównawczym nowoczesności, totalitaryzmów i (post)kolonializmów // II międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa, wrocław, 2-3 czerwca 2016 roku. S.53-54. // Rezhym dostupu: ocplayer.pl/19219859-Trauma-jako-kulturowy-palimpsest-post-komunizm-w-kontekscie-porownawczym-nowoczesnosci-totalitaryzmow-i-post-kolonializmow.html
Zhanrovi modyfikatsii u suchasnii pryhodnytskii prozi dlia ditei // Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii (25-26 veresnia 2016 r.): zb. / red.. –upor. S. S. Zhuravlova. – Berdiansk: Vydavets Tkachuk O. V., 2016. – S. .
Suchasna proza dlia ditei u nezalezhnii Ukraini: zhanrovo-stylove rozmaittia // Psykholoho-pedahohichni osnovy humanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v shkoli ta VNZ: zbirnyk naukovykh prats .Vypusk 2 (16) – Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad..S. Demianchuka, 2016. – S. .
Ivan Franko yak osobystist (do problemy vyvchennia biohrafii pysmennyka na osnovi memuarnoi ta epistoliarnoi spadshchyny u zahalnoosvitnii shkoli ta VNZ // Ukrainska mova ta literatura u shkoli. – 2017. - №1. – S. 18-26.
«Pid nebom dalnoi chuzhyny …» Pisliamova // Hrabovskyi P. Prolisok. – Rivne: Diatlyk M., 2017. – S. 146-156.
Prostir pamiati yak odyn iz siuzhetotvorchykh chynnykiv u povisti Oleny Zakharchenko «Khutir» // Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia». Seriia «Filolohichna»: zbirnyk naukovykh prats / za red. I. D. Pasichnyka, S. O. kocherhy, I. M. Khomiaka ta in. – Ostroh: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia», 2017. – Vyp. 65. – S. 66-70.
Vydy, formy ta funktsii intertekstualnosti u suchasnii fantastychnii ta kazkovii prozi dlia ditei // Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina. Seriia «Filolohiia». Vypusk 76. – Kharkiv: Vydavnytstvo KhNU imeni V. N. Karazina, 2017. – S. 265-270
Dzhozef Konrad yak osobystist (memuary y epistoliarii yak dzherelo stvorennia literaturno-psykholohichnoho portreta) // Vsesvitnia literatura v shkolakh Ukrainy. – 2016. – №.10.
Pavlo Hrabovskyi yak osobystist: do pytannia vyvchennia biohrafii pysmennyka u zahalnoosvitnii shkoli ta VNZ za pershodzherelamy na osnovi krytychnoho myslennia // Ukrainska mova ta literatura u shkoli. – 2017. - №6.
Pysmennyk yak osobystist: do problemy vyvchennia biohrafii myttsia u zahalnoosvitnii shkoli ta VNZ na osnovi pershodzherel: dokumentiv, memuariv ta epistoliariiu // Veresen: Naukovyi chasopys Mykolaivskoho oblasnoho instytutu pislidyplomnoi pedahohichnoi osvity. Mykolaiv, MOIPPO. - 2017 . - № 1 - 2. – S68-76..
"Biohrafiia ukrainskoho heniia Tarasa Shevchenka v retseptsii Ye. Yendzheievycha, Ye. Roslytskoho ta M. Serediuka". // Dialog dwóch kultur = Dialoh dvokh kultur. Varshava, 2017. S. 221–226.
Videnskyi «Kobzar» T. Shevchenka 1941 roku vydannia v konteksti shevchenkiany Bohdana Lepkoho // Berezhany (stattia u druku)
Shevchenkiana Bohdana Lepkoho – vidkrytyi materyk, yakyi nalezhyt osvoity. Pisliamova // Shevchenko T. Kobzar: povnyi iliustrovanyi zbirnyk virshovanykh tvoriv poeta z zhyttiepysom ta peredmovoiu Bohdana Lepkoho. Faksymilne vydannia 1942 r. (Viden) Taras Shevchenko – Rivne: Volynski oberehy, 2017. – S.313-324.
Variatsii na temu zhyttia, abo Pro zvuky, anheliv ta mrii vid Olhy Lukianovoi. Peredmova // Lukianova O. Kohda anhelы vыkhodiat na prohulku. – Rivne: Volynski oberehy, 2017. – S.3-5.
Dzhozef Konrad yak osobystist: literaturno-psykholohichnyi portret // Dzhozef Konrad: chas, prostir, pamiat: materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi 160-richchiu z dnia narodzhennia pysmennyka (Berdychiv, 28-29 veres. 2017 r.); Zhytomyr: Vyd.: O.O. Yevenok, 2017. – S.49-55.
Suchasna proza dlia ditei: zhanrovo-stylovi osoblyvosti. Zbirnyk statei. – LAP Lambert Academic Publishimg, 2018. – 182 c.
Vasyl Stus yak osobystist vyvchennia zhyttiepysu myttsia na osnovi krytychnoho osmyslennia memuariv, lystiv, dokumentiv (do problemy vyvchennia biohrafii pysmennyka na osnovi memuarnoi ta epistoliarnoi spadshchyny u zahalnoosvitnii shkoli ta VNZ // Ukrainska mova ta literatura u shkoli. – 2018. - №1. – S. 15-24.
Pysmennyk yak osobystist: vyvchennia zhyttiepysu na osnovi pershodzherel (na materiali biohrafii Dzhozefa Konrada) // Modern scientific research Proceedings of XVII International scientific conference, Morrisville 23, 2018 – S. 138-142: Internetresurs: Dzherelo dostupu: www.iscience.me
Oles Honchar yak osobystist // Psykholoho-pedahohichni osnovy humanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v shkoli ta VNZ: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Vypusk () – Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad..S. Demianchuka, 2018. – zbirnyk MEHU
«Zuzanna Hinchanka ta Olena Teliha: biohrafichni paraleli yaskravykh osobystostei» // Dialog dwóch kultur = Dialoh dvokh kultur. Varshava, 2018. S. 221–226.
Literaturnyi portret Olesia Honchara: osobystist na tli doby (do 100-richchia vid dnia narodzhennia pysmennyka) // Ukrainska mova ta literatura u shkoli. – 2018. - №5. S.
«Dukhovni skarby, shcho yednaiut pokolinnia, abo Yak Tsarivna Zhaba zacharuvala pedahoha i pysmennyka Antona Lototskoho». Pisliamova // Vilshenko Ya. Tsarivna Zhaba. – Rivne: Volynski oberehy, 2018. – S.25-26.
Obrazno-stylovi osoblyvosti suchasnoi realistychnoi prozy dlia ditei // «Dytynstvo i literatura: poetyka, metodyka, dydaktyka»: materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii. – Lviv, LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2018 – S. 85-87.
Oles Honchar yak osobystist u konteksti epokhy: stvorennia literaturno-psykholohichnoho portreta pysmennyka na osnovi yoho shchodennykiv, epistoliarnoi spadshchyny ta spohadiv suchasnykiv // IX Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik. Dialog der Sprachen – Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht. Dialoh mov – dialoh kultur. Ukraina i svit. IX Mizhnarodna naukova Internet-konferentsiia z ukrainistyky. München. 1.– 4. November. 2018. readbox unipress. Open Publishing LMU. 2019. S. 337-349. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-epub-62334-5
Suchasna ukrainska proza dlia ditei u konteksti literaturnoi osvity // VII Voloshynski chytannia «Shkilna movno-literaturna osvita: tradytsii i novatorstvo»: materialy vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, 17 travnia 2019 r., m. Kyiv. – K.: UOVTs «Orion», 2019. – S. 322-327.
Interaktyvne chytannia yak zasib formuvannia kvalifikovanoho chytacha // Problema chytannia v suchasnomu informatsiinomu suspilstvi : materialy I Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, 12 veresnia 2019 r., m. Kyiv / In-t pedahohiky NAPN Ukrainy; za zah. red. T. O. Yatsenko. Kyiv : UOVTs «Orion», 2019. S. 93-96.
Formuvannia fakhovoi kompetentnosti vchytelia ukrainskoi movy ta literatury u protsesi vyvchennia literatury dlia ditei: intehratsiinyi aspekt // Psykholoho-pedahohichni osnovy humanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v shkoli ta VNZ: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Vypusk (25) – Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad..S. Demianchuka, 2019. S.
Onore de Balzak yak osobystist: literaturno-psykholohichnyi portret v konteksti epokhy // Onore de Balzak: harni, interpretatsiia, Ukraina: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi 220-richchiu z dnia narodzhennia pysmennyka (Berdychiv, 15-16 trav. 2019 r.) Kyiv. 2019. S. 151-161.
Zoriientovanyi na osobystist, abo Zasnovnyk i natkhnennyk ozonivskoho rukhu // Okrylennia OZONom: knyha pamiati Anatoliia Mykolaiovycha Fasoli. Zhytomyr. 2019. S. 626-627.
Formuvannia literaturoznavchoi kompetentnosti maibutnoho vchytelia ukrainskoi movy ta literatury u protsesi vyvchennia literatury dlia ditei // Peredovi osvitni praktyky: Ukraina, Yevropa, Svit: zbirnyk tez Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Peredovi osvitni praktyky: Ukraina, Yevropa, Svit», 16 – 17 lystopada 2019 roku. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2019. – S.106-109.
Inter-Institutional Scientific Readings “Ukrainian Literature“ From Antiquity to the Present ”: Paradigms, Directions, Problems” (to the 105th Anniversary of M. D. Bernshtein's Birth), February 25, 2016, Zaporizhzhia (Program, Article)
International scientific-practical conference "Reading in the socio-cultural space of childhood: the range of opportunities and partnerships" 5-6 April 2016, National Library of Ukraine for Children, Kyiv (Program, article in print)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Children's Literature: Areas of Research, Critics, Problems", April 7-8, 2016, Kyiv (program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Fourth Volyn Readings" "Creativity of Nila Voloshyn - Gold Found for Methods of Literature" May 20 - 21, 2016, Chernihiv (Program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "History of Ukrainian Statehood", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. Rivne, Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, September 22, 2016 (Certificate)
Conference "Priorities of philological education", Rivne, RSHU, October 27, 2016 (Certificate)
I International Conference “Slavonic Studies”, May 24-26, 2016, Mykolaiv (program)
II Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa, Wrocław, 2-3 czerwca 2016 roku. S.53-54. Trauma jako kulturowy palimpsest: (post)komunizm w kontekście porównawczym nowoczesności, totalitaryzmów i (post)kolonializmów // II Міжнародна наукова конференція «Травма як культурний палімпсест: посткомунізм у сучасному порівняльному контексті посттоталітаризму і постколоніалізму», 2-3 червня 2016 р., Вроцлав, Польща (програма, виступ, стаття у друці)
"Dialogue of Two Cultures - 2016" XII International Scientists Meetings, September 3-6, 2016, Kremenets (program, presentation, article in print)
International Scientific Conference "A Million Stories: Poetics of Adventures in Literature and Media". September 22-23, 2016, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. (Program, these)
Five Buhaik readings. All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference. September 29-30, 2016, Nizhyn. (Program)
VI All-Ukrainian festival of pedagogical ideas "My personally oriented lesson". October 5-6, 2016, Vinnytsia. (Program, certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Ivan Franko in the Modern Intellectual Space", October 2016, Zhytomyr. (Program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Literature and History", 6-7 October 2016, Zaporizhzhia, Zaporizhzhia National University. (Program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Ukrainian Literature for and About Children: Historical Achievements and Development Trends", October 11, 2016, Luhansk-Starobilsk, Luhansk National University. (Program)
Scientific-practical conference of teachers of Ukrainian language, literature, Ukrainian studies, foreign literature. October 12, 2016, Rivne. - School №25. (Program, presentation)
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "The History of Space: Millennium of Volyn Literature", October 27-28, 2016, Ostrog, National University of Ostroh Academy (Program, article in print)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "World Literature in Contemporary Scientific Discourse", November 10-11, 2016, Kharkiv, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Program, presentation, article in print)
Twenty-eighth Scientific Session of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, March 16-25, 2017
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Literary Education in Secondary and Higher School" April 6-7, 2017, Kyiv, on the basis of National Pedagogical Drahomanov University Faculty of Foreign Philology (Program, presentation at the section meeting)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference, "Strategic Priorities of Philology and Linguistics in the Conditions of Reforming the Education System in Ukraine", April 27, 2017 Luhansk-Starobilsk (Program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Mykhailo Stelmax in the Newest Paradigms of Scientific Knowledge" May 25-26, 2017 at the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Mykhailo Stelmax Faculty of Philology and Journalism.
II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Literary Terminology", April 28-29, 2017, Rivne, Department of Intercultural Communication and History of World Literature of Rivne State Humanities University (Program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Fifth Voloshyn Readings" Creative Workshop of Nilф Voloshyn in Prospect of Philological Space of the New Ukrainian School ", June 22 - 25, 2017, Mykolaiv-Ochakiv (program, presentation, abstracts, article)
All-Ukrainian scientific-methodological seminar for methodologists on Ukrainian language and literature and foreign literature "Language-literary education in the New Ukrainian school", on the basis of the Mykolaiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education June 22-25, 2017.
International Conference within the framework of the 13th (Annual) Ukrainian-Polish Literary and Artistic Meetings "Dialogue of Two Cultures" 4 - 6 September 2017 at the Regional Literary-Memorial Museum of Yuliush Slovatskyi in Kremenets (program, presentation, article in print).
International Conference on “Joseph Conrad: Time, Space, Memory”, September 28-29, 2017, Berdychiv (program, plenary, abstract).
VIII All-Ukrainian Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "My Personally Oriented Lesson", October 5-6, 2017 in Bila Tserkva, Kyiv Oblast (program, presentation at the sectional meeting, certificate)
Inter-Institution Scientific Readings “Ukrainian Literature from Antiquity to the Present: Paradigms, Directions, Problems” (to the 80th Anniversary of V. F. Shevchenka's Birthday), October 10, 2017, Zaporizhzhia.
Roundtable “Ukrainian Insurgent Army: History of the Unconquered”: To the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, October 12, 2017, Rivne (program, presentation)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century", 26-27 October 2017, Rivne, Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH (program, presentation)
Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of the Culture of Ukrainian Language and Speech", October 27, 2017, Rivne-Mlyniv (program, speech at the plenary session)
VI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture", Ostroh, National University of Ostroh Academy, November 9-10, 2017 (program)
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Bohdan Lepkyi and his role in the development of Ukrainian national culture", Berezhany, November 9, 2017 (Program, article in print)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mykola Kulish's Creativity in the Historical and Literary Context", Kherson, November 10-11, 2017 (program)
Roundtable “Ukrainian Freedom Fighter“ Called for Time ”to the Presentation of P.Hrabovskoho's Book “Prolisok (Snowdrop)”, Rivne, September 29, 2017
Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH Konradivsk Readings, November 23, 2017 (presentation presentation)
Roundtable on "An epoch-book that represented Ukraine in the world", Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, November 28, 2017 (speech)
Twenty-ninth Scientific Session of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, February 16 - March 25, 2018
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "The World of Oles Honchar and Oles Honchar in the World". Dnipro National University, April 12-13, 2018
Fourth All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems in the Education System: General Education - Pre-University Training - Higher Education", Kyiv, April 18, 2018.
The XVII Viktor Uzhchenko All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, The word of speech of Luhansk region, Starobilsk. April 20, 2018
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "VI Voloshyn Readings:" Methods of Teaching Ukrainian Language and Literature in the Context of the New School Concept: Problems, Search, Prospects ", April 19-20, 2018, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University
International Scientific Conference "Roses and Grapes: Phenomena of Aesthetic and Pragmatic in Literature and Culture", Berdiansk, May 17-18, 2018
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Poetics of the Artistic Text", Kherson, May 18-19, 2018.
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sixth Bugaykiv Readings", Nizhyn, September 27-28, 2018 at Nizhyn Gogol State University
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Literature and History”, Zaporizhzhia, October 11-12, 2018 at the Zaporizhzhia National University, Department of Ukrainian Literature.
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "CHILDHOOD AND LITERATURE: POETICS, METHODS, DIDACTICS", Lviv, October 18 - 19, 2018
International Scientific and Practical Conference Problems and Prospects of Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century ”, Rivne, Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, 11 - 12 OCTOBER 2018
Ninth International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference. Munich, November 1-4, 2018
Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture", Kostopil. November 9, 2018
III International Scientific-Theoretical Conference "LITERATURE OF THE WORLD: POETICS, MENTALITY AND SPIRITUALITY", Kryvyi Rih, October 19, 2018
IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Foreign Writers and Ukraine", Poltava, November 6-8, 2018
Thirty Session of Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society. - Lviv, February 15 - March 30, 2019 Philological Section Meeting: Rivne March 12, 2019,
V All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems in the Education System: General Secondary Education - Pre-University Training - Higher Education", Kyiv, April 18, 2019.
XIV International Gogol Readings. International scientific and practical conference. April 3, 2019, Poltava,
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference «VII Voloshyn Readings. School Language and Literary Education: Traditions and Innovation» May 17, 2019, Kyiv
Member of the organising committee of the international scientific-practical conference "Honoré de Balzac: beautiful, interpretation, Ukraine" to the 220th anniversary of the writer (Berdychiv, May 15-16, 2019).
Honoré de Balzac:Facets, Interpretation, Ukraine: International Scientific Conference on the 220th Anniversary of the Writer's Birthday (Berdychiv, May 15-16, 2019)
International Scientific Conference "Between the Khutor and the World: Panteleimona Kulisha's Cultural Mission", Sumy, September 19-20.
III International Scientific and Practical Conference "North Wind: Scandinavian World in Education, Science and Culture of Ukraine", Poltava, November 7-8, 2019
Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture", Kvasyliv. November 8, 2019
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Advanced Educational Practices: Ukraine, Europe, World", November 16 - 17, 2019, Kyiv. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Member of jury of regional competition of young journalists. School # 13, March 2016
Member of the jury of the Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian Language and Literature Competition. School # 13, December 2016,
Member of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad for Pupils of Secondary Schools, Bila Tserkva, February 2017
Member of jury of regional competition of young journalists. Secondary school №13, March 2017 (order)
Member of the jury of the Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian Language and Literature Competition. School No. 13, December 2017, (order)
Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad for Secondary School Students, Vinnytsia, February 2018.
Member of jury of regional competition of young journalists. School # 13, March 2018 (order)
Member of the jury of the Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian Language and Literature Competition. School No. 13, December 2018, (order)
Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian competition for the protection of research works of students-members of the Rivne Regional Minor Academy of Sciences, Department of Philology, section "Ukrainian Literature" Review and assessment of student scientific works, February 2019 (order)
Member of jury of regional competition of young journalists. Secondary school №13, March 2019 (order)
Member of the jury of the regional competition Member of the jury of the Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian language and literary contest . Secondary school №13, December 2019, (order)
Member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Contest of educational reform projects aimed at integrating Ukraine's education system into the European scientific and educational space, National Academy of Sciences, November 2019.
Member of the jury of the regional competition of creative works of school and student youth "I am a Patriot" (Rivne. May, 2019).
Expert at the Student Regional Olympiad in Ukrainian Language and Literature (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
Head of scientific work of Melnychuk Natalii Volodymyrivny «Movie Interpretation of M. Gogol's story": Intersection Points and Parallels ", which won the 1st place at the All-Ukrainian Gogol Competition (Nizhyn, April, 2019)
The official opponent of the dissertation is Hleb Oksana Volodymyrivna on the topic "Formation in the senior pupils of the ability to interpret lyrical and lyric-epic works of Ukrainian literature", submitted for the PhD in Pedagogy degree in the speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and Methodology of Teaching, Kyiv. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, defence took place on 7.04.2016.
RESPONSE on the dissertation author's abstract of Kondratiuk Svitlana Hryhorivna on the theme "Methods of studying epic works in the lessons of Ukrainian literature in 5-6 classes" for the PhD in Pedagogy degree (speciality 13.00.02 Theory and Methodology of Teaching Ukrainian literature). The defence took place on June 13, 2016 at the meeting of the specialised scientific council K 38.134.02 of the Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University
Response to the abstract of the dissertation Skomorovska N. B. "Development of critical thinking of high school students in the lessons of Ukrainian literature", presented for the PhD in Pedagogy degree , speciality 13. 00. 02 Theory and Methodology of Teaching (Ukrainian literature). The defence was held on December 15, 2016 at a meeting of the Scientific Council D.26.053.07 at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Member of the editorial board of non-professional collection of scientific works «Literature. Children. Time ”(since 2013).
Reviewer of the textbook M. V. Vardanian "Methodical instructions for independent work in the course" Children's Literature ": (for students of full-time and correspondence forms of study in the direction of preparation 6.010102). - Kryvyi Rih, 2016.
Reviewer of the educational manual “Ukrainian as a Foreign Language. Reading texts. Workshop for students of preparatory department »/ authors: S. D Karpenko .: - K .: Dmitry Burago Publishing House, 2019. - 256 p.
Reviewer of research works of participants of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defence of the Minor Academy of Science, February 2019 (11 papers)
Spetsyfika arkhetypnykh obraziv u khudozhnomu sviti pysmennykiv Pokuttia // Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohiia, 2016. – № 24. Tom . – S. 114 – 116.
Mizhosobystisni ta tvorchi vzaiemyny Ivana Franka y pysmennykiv «Pokutskoi triitsi» // Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu bioresursiv i pryrodokorystuvannia Ukrainy. Seriia «Filolohichni nauky» / Redkol.: S. M. Nikolaienko, (vidp. red) ta in. –K.: Milenium, 2016. – Vyp. 245 – S.224 – 230.
Svoieridnist khudozhnoho vyrazhennia psykholohizmu u tvorchosti pysmennykiv “Pokutskoi triitsi“ / V.M. Myroniuk //International Scientific and Practical Conference “WORLD SCIENCE“ (Scientific and Practical Results in 2015. Prospects for Their Development (December 23 – 24, 2015, Abu-Dhabi, UAE)"). – 2016. – 1(5), Vol.4. – pp. 46–50.
Problemy doslidzhennia natsionalnoho kharakteru u tvorchosti Vasylia Stefanyka, Marka Cheremshyny i Lesia Martovycha / V.M. Myroniuk // Materialy Shostoi mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Dialoh mov – dialoh kultur. Ukraina i svit”, Dialog der Sprachen ñ Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht ,29 zhovtnia – 1 lystopada 2015 roku, (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaften, Department II Institut für Slavische Philoloige). – Miunkhen, 2016. – S.588 – 599.
Spetsyfika zhanru literaturnoi kazky u tvorchosti pysmennykiv Pokuttia // Aktualni problemy literaturoznavchoi terminolohii: Vypusk 2. Naukovyi zbirnyk. – Rivne: O.Zen, 2017. – 233 s. – S. 99 – 102.
Arkhetypni obrazy u tvorchosti pysmennykiv «Pokutskoi triitsi» // Materialy Somoi mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Dialoh mov – dialoh kultur. Ukraina i svit”, Dialog der Sprachen ñ Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht, 27 zhovtnia –30 zhovtnia 2016 roku, (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaften, Department II Institut für Slavische Philoloige). – Miunkhen, 2017. – S.414 – 424.
Myroniuk V. Specifice of modeling of the national chaeacter in the works by les martovych//Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology. – 2017. – Issue 1 (1). – P. 59-65.
Mala proza pysmennykiv Pokuttia: zhanrovo-stylova proektsiia // Materialy Vosmoi mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Dialoh mov – dialoh kultur. Ukraina i svit”, Dialog der Sprachen ñ Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht, 27 zhovtnia –30 zhovtnia 2017 roku, (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaften, Department II Institut für Slavische Philoloige). – Miunkhen, 2017. – S.311 – 321.
PROBLEMS OF INVESTIGATIONS OF NATIONAL CHARACTER IN THE WORKS OF LES MARTOVYCH // International scientific conference “Modern scientific research”/ Morrisville, Lulu Press, 2018, 206 p. – p. 97 - 100.
Mala proza pysmennykiv Pokuttia: zhanrovo-stylova proektsiia // Materialy Vosmoi mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Dialoh mov – dialoh kultur. Ukraina i svit”, Dialog der Sprachen ñ Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht, 4 lystopada – 6 lystopada 2017 roku, (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaften, Department II Institut für Slavische Philoloige). – Miunkhen, 2018. – S.253 – 266.
Valentyna Myronjuk Marko Čeremšyna: die Evolution der künstlerischen Suche // IKh. Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik "Dialog der Sprachen - Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht" Reihe: Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik. Bd. 2018. Herausgegeben von Olena Novikova und Ulrich Schweier. Verlag readbox unipress Open Access LMU, München, 2019. – r. 314-326.
Seventh International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Dialogue of Languages - Dialogue of Cultures. Ukraine and the World", (October 27 - October 30, 2016, Munich) (Program, Press Article, Certificate)
International Scientific Congress "Ivan Franko: I am a Prologue ..." (to the 160th anniversary). Lviv, September 22-24, 2016 (Program, Certificate, Press Article)
International Conference "Scientific Terminology of the New Century: Theoretical and Applied Dimensions", Rivne, NUWEE, September 2016 (Program, Certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "The History of Space: Millennium of Volyn Literature", Ostroh (October 27-28, 2016) (Program, Certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "History of Ukrainian Statehood", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. Rivne, Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, September 22, 2016 (Certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Priorities of Philological Education", Rivne, RSHU, October 27, 2016 (certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Communicative Discourse: Scientific Reception and Research Strategies", dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko's birth in Kyiv, 07-08 April 2016 (Program, article)
Eighth International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Dialogue of Languages - Dialogue of Cultures. Ukraine and the World", (October 27 - October 30, 2017, Munich) (Program, Press Article, Certificate)
Twenty-eighth Scientific Session of the Scientific Society. Shevchenko Section of Linguistics and Literature SHEVCHENKO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. February 16 - March 25, 2017, Lviv (Program, Certificate)
Inter-Higher Scientific Readings dedicated to the 80th Birth Anniversary of V. F. Shevchenko, “Ukrainian Literature from Antiquity to the Present: Paradigms, Directions, Problems”, October 10, 2017, Zaporizhzhia (Program, Certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference, Strategic Priorities of Philology and Linguistics in the Conditions of Reforming the Ukrainian Education System ”Luhansk, April 2017 (Program, Certificate)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Higher Education and Economics in the 21st Century" Rivne, Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, October 26-27, 2017 (Certificate)
International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of literary terminology". Rivne, RSHU, 2017, April (Program, Certificate)
Roundtable on the 150th Anniversary of Osyp Makovei's Birthday "Osyp Makovei's Literary and Critical Heritage in Historical, Literary and Cultural Contexts", October 25, 2017 (Program, Certificate)
Ninth International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Dialogue of Languages - Dialogue of Cultures. Ukraine and the World", (1-4 November 2018, Munich)
Twenty-ninth Scientific Session of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, February 16 - March 25, 2018
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Oles Honchar's Creativity in the Ukrainian and European Context (to the 100th Anniversary of the Writer's Birth)", April 25, 2018, Khmelnitsk
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “LITERATURE AND HISTORY” (October 11-12, 2018, Zaporizhzhia)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Higher Education and Economics in the 21st Century", dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Ukraine – Rivne, October 11-12, 2018.
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Historical and Theoretical Understanding of Philological Science in the Context of Education Reform in Ukraine” November 15, 2018, Khmelnitsk
ХУІІ Viktor Uzhchenko All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Figurative Word of Luhansk Region" (April 20, 2018, Starobilsk)
Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture", Kvasyliv, 2019
The chairman of the jury of the first stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of the students-members of the Minor Academy of Science
Member of the jury of the II stage of the Petro Yatsyk International competition on the Ukrainian language (among university students)
Member of the jury of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of the students-members of Minor Academy of Science
The chairman of the jury of the first stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of the students-members of Minor Academy of Science
Member of the jury of the II stage of the Petro Yatsyk International competition on the Ukrainian language (among university students)
Member of the jury of the I stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of the students-members of the Minor Academy of Science
Reviewing the research works of the participants of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defence of the Minor Academy of Science, February 2017 (10 works)
Reviewing the research works of the participants of the First stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defence of the Minor Academy of Science, December 2017 (10 works)
Head of the SSS (Student Scientific Society) Faculty of History and Philology
The chairman of the jury of the first stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of the students-members of Minor Academy of Science
Member of the jury of the II stage of the Petro Yatsyk International competition on the Ukrainian language (among university students)
Member of the jury of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-protection of research works of the students-members of Minor Academy of Science
Reviewing the research works of the participants of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defence of the Minor Academy of Science, 2018 (10 works)
Reviewing of research works of participants of the First stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defence of Minor Academy of Science, 2018 (10 works)
Head of the SSS (Student Scientific Society) Faculty of History and Philology
Opposition of PhD dissertation by Karachova Daria Volodymyrivna "Victorian biography and its modification in the XX century", submitted for protection for the PhD in Philology degree speciality 10.01.06 - Theory of Literature (at the meeting of the specialised scientific council D 26.133 at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Member of the editorial board of the Collection of student scientific works. - Rivne: Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, 2016. - 246 p.
Shkabarina M. A. Doslidzhennia pedahohichnoi kreatyvnosti u vitchyznianii ta zarubizhnii pedahohichnii dumtsi. Nova pedahohichna dumka. 2016. № 1. S. 6–8.
Shkabarina M. A. Model rozvytku pedahohichnoi kreatyvnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovoi shkoly. Naukovi zapysky Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Volodymyra Hnatiuka. Seriia : pedahohika. 2017. № 2. S. 89–95.
Shkabarina M. A. Struktura pedahohichnoi kreatyvnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovoi shkoly. Pedahohika i psykholohiia profesiinoi osvity. 2016. № 4. S. 66–74.
Shkabarina M. A. Tekhnolohiia rozvytku pedahohichnoi kreatyvnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovoi shkoly u protsesi vyvchennia fakhovykh dystsyplin. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Pedahohichni nauky». Kherson, 2017. Vypusk LXXVI. Tom 2. S. 146–150.
Rozvytok pedahohichnoi kreatyvnosti u konteksti reformuvannia novoi ukrainskoi shkoly. Zbirnyk tez vystupiv uchasnykiv Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii "Problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku vyshchoi shkoly ta ekonomiky v KhKhI stolitti", prysviachenoi 25-richchiu Midnarodnoho ekonomiko-humanitarnoho universytetu imeni akademiaka Stepana Demianchuka (11-12 zhovtnia 2018 r.). - Rivne : RVTs MEHU im. akad. S. Demianchuka, 2017. - 232 s. - S. 156-158.
Shkabarina M. A. Poniattia pedahohichnoi tvorchosti u suchasnomu pedahohichnomu dyskursi. Psykholoho-pedahohichni osnovy humanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v shkoli ta VNZ: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. № 2 (20). Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad. S. Demianchuka, 2018. 292 s. S. 187–192.
Poniattia pedahohichnoi tvorchosti u suchasnomu pedahohichnomu dyskursi.Psykholoho-pedahohichni osnovy humanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v shkoli ta VNZ: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. - № 2 (20). - Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad. S. Demianchuka, 2018. - 292 s. - S. 187-192. (fakhova stattia MEHU)
Melnychuk L.B., Shkabarina M. A. Diahnostyka hotovnosti maibutnikh pedahohiv do innovatsiinoi diialnosti za motyvatsiino-tsinnisnym kryteriiem. Psykholoho-pedahohichni osnovy humanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v shkoli ta VNZ: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. № 1 (21). Rivne: RVTs MEHU im. akad. S. Demianchuka, 2019. S. 106–115.
Shkabarina M. A. Rozvytok pedahohichnoi kreatyvnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovoi shkoly u protsesi vyvchennia fakhovykh dystsyplin: monohrafiia. Rivne: Vydavets O.Zen, 2019 . 149 s.
Shkabarina M.A. Innovative pedagogical technologies as a means of forming pedagogical creativity of future teachers. Key issues of scientific research in the field of pedagogy and psychology in the XXI century: Collection of abstracts of scientific papers of participants of scientific-practical conference (Lviv, January 29-30, 2016): Lviv: "Lviv Pedagogical Community", 2016. p.105 –107.
Shkabarina M.A. The notion of pedagogical creativity in contemporary pedagogical discourse. Factors in the development of pedagogy and psychologists in the twentieth century: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference: (Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 10-11, 2016). Kharkiv: East Ukrainian Organisation “Centre for Educational Research”, 2016. P.52–55.
Shkabarina M.A. Formation of creative personality of future teachers by means of creative pedagogy. Priorities of development of pedagogical and psychological sciences in the 21st century: Collection of scientific papers of participants of the international scientific-practical conference: (March 18-19, 2016, Odessa). Odessa: Southern Foundation for Pedagogy, 2016. P. 73–76.
Shkabarina M.A. Features of application of the case-method in the process of development of pedagogical creativity of future teachers. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of the Humanities". Vinnytsia: 2017. P. 14–17.
Topical Issues of Reforming Preschool and Primary Education in the Context of Eurointegration Processes (Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH All-Ukrainian Conference)
Challenges and Prospects for Higher Education and Economics in the 21st Century (International Conf. Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH)
Melnychuk L.B., Shkabarina M. A. Preparation of future specialists of elementary education for innovative activity by means of situational training. Professional development of the teacher: materials of the all-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference "Modern primaty school teacher: problems and perspectives in the context of educational reform". Rivne, 2019. P. 181–182.
Melnychuk L.B., Shkabarina M. A. Preparation of future educators to familiarise senior preschoolers with social reality by the method of situational training. Upbringing and Training of Young Children: VIII International Conference (Moscow, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia May 29 - June 1, 2019). Moscow: Publisher of Moscow University, 2019. P. 356–357.
Melnychuk L.B., Shkabarina M. A. Formation of readiness of future primary school teachers to work with children with special needs. Inclusive education: experience and perspectives. Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vinnitsa, May 16, 2019 / P. 39-44.
Shkabarina M. A. Methodical recommendations for the development of pedagogical creativity of future teachers. Collection of abstracts of the participants of the Second All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Reforming Preschool and Primary Education of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration Processes" (December 10, 2019). Rivne: Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH, 2019. P. 148-151.
Shkabarina M. A.: PhD Thesis defence: Development of pedagogical creativity of future primary school teachers in the process of studying professional disciplines. The defence was held on March 15, 2018 at the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical Universityю Special Council D 58.053.0
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "History of Ukrainian Statehood". Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's Declaration of Independence on September 22, 2016 in Rivne (program, certificate)
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Priorities of Philological Education", October 27, 2016, RSHU Rivne (program, certificate)
At the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF CULTURE OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH" (October 27-28, 2016) (program)
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century" (Rivne, October 26-27, 2017)
International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference at the Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University "Communicative Discourse in Multicultural Space" October 6-7, 2017
All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Philology. A Contemporary View on the Study of Topical Issues". Zaporizhzhia, February 17-18, 2017
February 16-March 25, 2018 29th Scientific Session of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Lviv. Section of Linguistics and Literature. “Independent work as an effective method of forming the professional competence of future teachers”
April 19-20, 2018. Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University "Language in different linguistic and cultural spaces"
October 11-12, 2018 Rivne International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems and Prospects for Higher Education and Economy Development in the 21st Century Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH "Artistic modifications of the poetic dedication"
October 25, 2018. Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University.
University 4 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of the Functioning of Language and Literature in Modern Multicultural Society" "The Role of Independent Work in the Process of Cognitive Philology"