Голова студентської ради
email: Sadinna08@gmail.com
The activities of the student council of the Faculty of Economics are aimed at:
- ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of students;
- ensuring that students fulfill their responsibilities;
- formation of students' national consciousness, dignity and self-respect and pride in their educational institution;
- promoting the educational activities of students, involving them in research work, improving the quality of education;
- involvement of students in direct participation in the implementation of state youth policy;
- organisation of cooperation with students of other higher educational institutions and youth organizations, including foreign and international;
- coordination of students' work with teachers, mentors of academic groups (curators);
- involvement of students in cultural and mass work;
- organisation and holding of evenings of rest, discos, competitions, KVN, dedications to students, graduation evenings, days of faculty and other actions having cultural-entertaining, improving-sports and educational character;
- participation in the settlement of students in dormitories;
- organisation of proper life, recreation and leisure of students in dormitories together with commandants, teachers, representatives of the student council of the university;
- organisation of students on duty and assistance in establishing access to dormitories;
- involvement of students in work in their free time (together with the university administration);
- promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing students from committing offenses, their use of alcohol, drugs, smoking;
- informing students about the decisions of the university administration.
Голова студентської ради
email: Sadinna08@gmail.com
Заступник голови студентської ради
email: Sokaanaherba808@gmail.com
Секретар студентської ради
email: dks110307@gmail.com
Керівник культурно-масового відділу студентської ради
email: kristinaivashuna19@gmail.com
Керівник навчально-виховного відділу студентської ради
email: komarira07@gmail.com
Керівник спортивно-оздоровчого відділу студентської ради
email: taras.ilchenko.2018@gmail.com
Заступник керівника культурно-масового відділу студентської ради
email: saharcukyasa@icloud.com
Заступник керівника навчально-виховного відділу студентської ради
email: bakalawra321@gmail.com
Заступник керівника спортивно-оздоровчого відділу студентської ради
email: walkowezdima@gmail.com