All news

03 November 2023
On October 3, 2023 the first meeting of the new academic year took place between the coordinators of the Twinning Program - Ian Gadd, Head of Department of Development for European Projects (Bath Spa University, UK) and Alina Lavreniuk, Head of the International and Project Department (IUEH). The coordinators discussed the results achieved over the ...
30 October 2023
Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, represented by Rector, Doctor of Law, Professor Vitalii Demianchuk, and the Municipal Higher Educational Institution "Rivne Medical Academy" of the Rivne Regional Council, represented by Rector Rostyslav Sabadyshyn, have signed a cooperation agreement and established ...
30 October 2023
On 19 October, Academician Stepan Demiachnuk International University of Economics and Humanities celebrated its 30th anniversary. The celebrations were attended not only by scientists and guests from Ukraine, but also by European partners. This year, foreign partners from different parts of the world joined the congratulations on the occasion of th...
31 August 2023
During 2023, IUEH together with twin university Bath Spa University is implementing the grant “I vote for Peace: Collaboration and Compassion in a Time of War,” coordinated by the Faculty of Pedagogics. A number of activities were implemented as part of the project, including the purchase of equipment for educational needs and the renovation of the ...
31 August 2023
The Faculty of Pedagogics of Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities has received computer equipment as part of the international project “I Vote for Peace: Cooperation and Compassion in a Time of War” implemented with the Bath Spa University (UK). The package of equipment includes a modern 3in1 A3 color pr...
10 July 2023
Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities has received computer equipment as part of the international project "I Vote for Peace: Cooperation and Compassion in a Time of War" implemented with the  Bath Spa University (UK). The first package of equipment includes a modern 3in1 A3 color printer that will allow ...