Department of Management
Department of Management
Academician Stepan Demianchuk Street, 4, Rivne,
II corpus, classroom 2610, 2504
Tel: 096 722 0 151
e-mail: kmenedzmentu@gmail.com
Department of Management trains specialists in the specialty 073 "Management" (bachelor, master). In this case, higher education graduates receive additional professional qualifications.
Specialists are trained on full-time and distance courses.
Educational level: Bachelor
Specialty: 073 "Management"
Specialisation: Organisation Management
Form of study: full-time and distance.
Qualification: Bachelor of Management, Manager-Administrator.
The graduate will be able to work as: manager of business units in various fields of economic activity, manager of small business or own business, manager of business unit and logistics, manager of marketing, restaurant, hotel or tourism business manager.
The graduates are able:
- rule: administrative, economic, financial, marketing, marketing units of the enterprise; own business;
- evaluate and analyse: the state of the competitive environment; externally economic activity; current organisational management structures and make suggestions for their improvement; pricing factors and substantiate product prices; amount of production (sale) of products, its range (nomenclature); sources of providing the enterprise with all kinds of resources;
- develop prospective strategic programs for the development of the organisation and innovation and investment projects of the enterprise, plan the need for material, financial and labour resources and determine the sources of their supply, ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.
- organise: processes of rational and effective resource management of enterprises of all forms of ownership; fulfilment of the tasks set by both structural units and the enterprise as a whole;
- ensure: timely fulfilment of obligations to counterparties; high level of labor and industrial discipline; culture of management processes (progressive technology, rational organisation of work, business communication, record keeping); culture of working conditions (work environment and jobs);
- control: timeliness and quality of the tasks; activities of divisions, teams (groups) of employees; timeliness of settlements with counterparties.
Main Disciplines:
- Management;
- Marketing;
- Business Economics;
- Business finance;
- Operational Management;
- HR;
- Labour Economics;
- Commercial Law;
- Controlling;
- Logistics;
- Self-management;
- Price setting Marketing;
- Marketing Researches;
- Strategic Management.
The list of subjects in the certificate of the Centre for Education Quality Assessment of Ukraine, that are required for admission to study for the bachelor's degree in specialty 073 "Management":
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- History of Ukraine / Mathematics;
- Subject for the choice of the entrant (Geography, Mathematics, History of Ukraine, Foreign Language).
For admission to study for the Bachelor's Degree in the specialty 073 "Management" the following documents must be submitted to the University Admissions Committee:
- Application
- 6 photo cards of 3 × 4 cm.
- Certificate of IEE.
- School certificate.
- Passport copy (1, 2 and 11 pages).
- A copy of identification code assignment.
- 4 envelopes with Ukraine stamps.
- A binding paper folder.
Educational level: MASTER
Specialty: 073 "Management"
Specialisation: Organisation Management
Form of study: full-time and distance.
Qualification: Master in Management, Manager of Organisations.
The graduate will be able to work as: manager of enterprises or their subdivisions in various spheres of economic activity, manager of small enterprise or own business, head of subdivision (manager) on business and logistics, head (manager) of subdivision on marketing, financial, marketing and foreign economic activity.
The graduates are able:
- rule: enterprises of different organisational and legal forms of economy and branches of economy; structural subdivisions of enterprises, institutions, organisations; own business; business projects; educational and research organisations;
- evaluate and analyse: social and economic phenomena, the relationship of resource management functions with the financial results of the enterprise; current organisational management structures and make suggestions for their improvement; pricing factors; the work of departments and subdivisions of the enterprise; determine unused production reserves and opportunities to improve the enterprise at their expense; to determine directions of improvement of activity of the organisation;
- develop: systems of decision-making and execution of management decisions, plans of work of operating systems and processes in the organisation; strategic programs of organisation development; innovation and investment projects of the enterprise; methods and basis of economic planning of production;
- plan the need for material, financial and labour resources and determine the sources of their supply;
- organise: processes of rational and effective management of resources of enterprises and organisations of different forms of ownership; the process of accomplishing the tasks, both by structural units and the enterprise as a whole; implementation of social development programs of the organisation and effective system of employee motivation;
- ensure: effective work of the structural unit of the enterprise; timely completion of programmatic tasks for production of goods and provision of services to structural units; timely fulfilment of obligations to counterparties;
- control: observance of norms of the current legislation; implementation of the production program of the enterprise; timeliness and quality of performance of tasks; the activities of the units; timeliness and amount of financial calculations of the enterprise; operating production processes.
Main discipline:
- Management of Organisations;
- Change Management;
- Financial Management;
- Information Systems and Technologies in Managing an organisation;
- Corporative Management;
- Project Management;
- Investment Management;
- Investment Law;
- Cross-cultural Management;
- Leadership Psychology.
For admission to study for the master's degree in specialty 073 "Management" the following documents must be submitted to the University Admissions Committee:
- Application request
- 6 photo cards of 3 × 4 cm.
- Bachelor's degree (with application).
- Passport copy (1, 2 and 11 pages).
- A copy of the identification code assignment.
- 4 envelopes with Ukraine stamps.
- A binding paper folder.