Educational and methodical work of the Faculty of Pedagogics
To improve the level and quality of education, the issues of theoretical and technological support of methodical work are of great importance. It is in combination with other areas of the educational institution: teaching, research and educational work creates a kind of system of educational activities.
Methodical work at the Faculty of Pedagogics is carried out in the following areas:
- raising the theoretical and scientific level of teaching subjects in order to implement the tasks of the content of vocational education;
- deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers on the problems of continuing professional education and organization of educational work on the subject;
- improving the professional skills of the academic staff of the departments of the faculty in order to achieve high professional competence and a high level of self-organization of his professional activity;
- development, testing and implementation of educational technologies, innovative methods in the educational process;
- creation of complexes of methodical maintenance of educational disciplines;
- formation of skills: organization of educational and methodical work taking into account the peculiarities of professional training of future specialists; planning activities in the areas of: research, teaching, organizational and methodological, educational work, etc., analysis of its results; management of students' cognitive activity in the learning process, organization of independent and research work;
- mastering the methods of studying and implementing in practice the pedagogical experience of professional training of specialists taking into account their creative individuality;
- organization of exhibitions, presentations of pedagogical achievements of faculty teachers, novelties of psychological and pedagogical, methodical literature, periodical press, carrying out of methodical seminars.
Presentation of teaching aids by the academic staff of the Faculty of Pedagogics
Methodical seminar on preschool problems with the participation of Academician, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, full member of NAPS of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education of South Ukrainian K. D. Ushynskyi National Pedagogical University A. M. Bohush and Methodists, Directors of Preschool Education Institutions in Rivne.
Methodical seminar on the problems of primary education with the participation of the best primary school teachers in Rivne.
Round table "Educational environment of the New Ukrainian school: new pedagogical approaches, methods, technologies" with the participation of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Pedagogics, the Department of Primary and Preschool Education and teachers of Educational Complex 12.
The practical seminar "Educational workshop of NUS teachers" was conducted by expert supervisor, trainer-pedagogue, teacher-methodologist Liubov Danylivna Khmara