Scientific Work
The staff of the Department pays considerable attention to scientific and teaching and guiding. The lecturers of the Department of Human Health and Physical Rehabilitation have published 15 monographs, 30 manuals, 40 methodological recommendations for training courses, 400 articles in scientific publications. 15 training manuals are recommended by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
The Department has functional scientific-practical laboratories on the problems of physical rehabilitation, the principles of healthy lifestyle, age physiology and phytotherapy.
The research work included the following areas: conducting comprehensive assessment of the health state (somatic, physical, psychological) of different population groups, studying the peculiarities and regularities of health formation taking into account the influence of various factors; development of a complex of health-forming and health-saving technologies of health formation and its recovery. The developed Health program was implemented, comprehensive examination of the students was conducted, and the level of student’s physical health was determined, individual programs of health events were assigned.
The Faculty has opened a training laboratory for non-traditional types of massage and functional diagnostics. An important direction of activity of the laboratory is development of various types of massage for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the clinic and sports. Functional diagnostics allows to conduct automatic data processing, to define a wide range of indicators and to form a graphical representation of the obtained parameters. Modern computer equipment allows you to perform research at the highest diagnostic level.
Scientific publications and methodological literature are published on the basis of the conducted research.
2 Doctoral and 3 PhD Theses were defended as a result of the scientific work.
The lecturers of the department constantly participate in scientific conferences, seminars, international symposia and congresses of different levels in Ukraine and abroad. The results of the research are published not only in Ukraine but also in European countries.
The leading specialists of physical rehabilitation at the department conduct scientific and practical seminars for the physical rehabilitation practitioners (WCPT) with involvement of specialists of the Centre of Early Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Disabled Children’s Social Adaptation “Pahinets”; the Regional Centre of Invalid Sports “Invasport”; the Educational and Rehabilitation Centre “A Special Child”, the Medical Centre “Reavita”, the Department of Human Health and Physical Therapy, Department of TMPE and APE of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH.
The lecturers of the Department of Human Health and Physical Therapy do an upgrading in the form of internship, at the courses for raising efficiency, dissertation defences, and gaining academic titles. Currently, the proportion of lecturers who have upgraded their qualification in the last 5 years is 100%.
The Department of Physical Rehabilitation was accredited by the qualification of the Bachelor, Specialist in May 2013, and by the qualification level of the Master in 2015.
Scientific work with students
There are scientific problem groups of students work at the department. It allows students to learn educational material more thoroughly, to conduct research in the field of physical education and sports. Students do term papers, bachelor's and master's thesis and successfully defend them. Student Olympiads and conferences are held, a collection of scientific works of young scientists and students of the University is published.
Students' scientific work is guided by: Doctor of Science, Professor Potashniuk I. V., PhD, Associate Professor Tarhonii P. M., Doctor of Psychology, Professor Mykhalchuk N. O, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Dorofeieva O. E., PhD, Medicine, Associate Professor Potashniuk I. M., Associate Professor Martyniuk G. A., PhD, Associate Professor Zhovnir I. I., PhD, Medicine, Associate Professor Makarenia V. V. and etc.
Students of the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports participated in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty “Physical Rehabilitation”, which was held at the A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University (Sumy). According to the results of the Olympiad, student Fedorchuk Pavlo entered in to the top of the three best students.
The Department of Human Health and Physical Therapy coordinates its work with activities of the student scientific society, engages its members in the research of general departmental topics and activities, and assists them in determination of the level of relevance of the scientific problem, in selection and systematization of bibliography, in reviewing entries and scientific communications.
According to the concluded agreements, students have the opportunity to undergo practical training in medical and general health establishments, rehabilitation centres, education and rehabilitation institutions in Rivne.
On May 30-31, 2013 a scientific-practical conference “Development of Physical Therapy in Ukraine” was held at the Acamician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH. Leading specialists from Belgium, Poland, Ukraine participated in the conference. A scientific-practical seminar “Actual Problems of Training of Specialists in Human Health and Physical Rehabilitation” was held in December 2013. A scientific-practical seminar “Modern Health and Rehabilitation Technologies of Strengthening and Recovery of Health” was held in 21-23 April 2015. An education and practical training “Physical Therapy in Diseases of the Nervous System” with involvement of specialists of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv) was held in April 2018.