Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education
The Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education was established in 2004.
The Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Culture from the time of its formation has set itself the main task - it should be a scientific and pedagogical centre for the training of highly professional specialists of the relevant major. Working on the realisation of such a goal, the teachers of the department introduce new advanced technologies of scientific and educational work, direct all their professional skills to the development and improvement of forms and methods of the educational process, quality of teaching of disciplines.
The lecturers of the department have developed lecture courses, resource books for seminars and practical classes for all disciplines of the department.
An important place in deepening the professional training of future specialists in adaptive physical education is the educational and methodological practice of students. Special practice is an integral and very important part of the professional training of future specialists. Our students have the opportunity to have special practice in educational and rehabilitation centres, regional centre "Invasport", medical and preventive establishments, special educational establishments, close relations are established and agreements are signed. During the internship, a methodologist is assigned to each group of students, who is responsible for each student and the quality of the internship. Along with the methodologist, teachers of the department, department heads, administration, rehabilitators, exercise instructors, massage therapists and other staff of the practice bases actively participate in this process. During the training students take part in public, cultural and educational work of the staff of the institutions where they have practice.
All teachers are advisors and mentors of student academic groups at the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports, since the organisation of the educational process provides for the unity of training and education in the training of future professionals. This approach has a systematic nature, because it covers all areas of activity of the student teams, and influences every personality, forming a modern competent, highly qualified specialist.
Teachers of the department attach great importance to occupational guidance in secondary schools, children's and youth sports schools, colleges of Rivne region, Khmelnytsk, Volyn, Lviv, Ternopil region, Transcarpathia, etc.
Teachers of the department organise and manage various forms of volunteer work, which are quite diverse, ranging from supporting the most vulnerable strata of the society and ending with sports and mass events aimed at the development of disability sports.
From the first days of creation of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Culture intensive scientific researches have been conducted here.
The scientific topic of the department: "Theoretical and methodological bases of professional training of future specialists of physical education in higher educational establishments".
Teachers of the department constantly take part in All-Ukrainian and international scientific-practical conferences, involve students into scientific problem groups, and prepare students for participation in All-Ukrainian student Olympiads, conferences.
Through the efforts of teachers, scientific and practical seminars are organized and conducted, which contributes to the further growth of their professional skills.
The teaching staff of the department provides professional training of specialists in the qualification levels of "Bachelor", "Master".
Since September 2013, Head of the Department is PhD in Physical Education and Sport science, Associated Professor, Romanova Viktoriia Ivanivna.
In 2010, she defended her candidate's thesis in the field of physical culture, physical education of different population groups on the topic: "Dynamics of physical fitness of senior students of higher education institutions on the basis of different modes of physical activity".