Today Iryna Cherniavska, professional journalist, editor, media manager, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Profi Space media communication platform, visited the Faculty of Journalism. She held a master class on the topic: "Journalism of the new time: the main trends in media 2021".

We started talking about the problems of modern media, which include staff reductions, changes in the format of work and forced closure of print media. We focused in detail on the catastrophic decrease in creativity in publications and the presentation of information, which was a direct result of remote work.

The next information block was the issue of social media relations. Bright examples given by the speaker successfully illustrated the first and second year students with a real picture of the confrontation of different communication channels and outlined the potential for future transformations.


They also spoke in detail about the problem of spreading fakes and fact-checking. Ms. Iryna cited the results of research showing a significant increase in unreliable information online. Позитивом цієї тенденції є те, що багато споживачів інформації поступово повертаються до якісних медіа, оскільки журналісти завжди перевіряють дані.


At the end of the master class, the speaker pointed out current trends in the presentation and dissemination of information, as well as answered questions from students.