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20 September 2021
International women's volleyball tournament started. The competition is dedicated to the memory of the founder of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of the Economic and Humanities – Stepan Yakymovych Demianchuk.
20 September 2021
On September 16, 2021, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics Kniazevych Anna Oleksandrivna participated in the 12th International Scientific Conference "Transbaltica 2021: Transportation Science and Technology"17, 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania, indexed in the scientific database Scopus.
16 September 2021
From the beginning of the academic year, within the framework of the cooperation agreement, on the basis of the Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore, the lecturer of the Department of Geography and Tourism of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH  Assoc. Ptof. Shykula R. conducts classes on the subject "Fundamentals of Museum Studies".
16 September 2021
Hilarion, Archbishop of Rivne and Ostroh attended a press conference at the Faculty of Journalism. Even before the traditional part with questions and answers, the guest expressed his sincere gratitude for the opportunity to meet and stressed that without a single church there will never be a strong and independent Ukraine.
16 September 2021
The School of Pedagogical Mastery has opened its doors to lecturers of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of the Economic and Humanities. The work plan is agreed for the whole academic year, it provides intensive educational and practical activities for the participants. The activities of the School of Pedagogical Mastery were...
16 September 2021
This year, for significant achievements in their profession, pedagogues of the Rivne region will receive the award "Excellence in Education". Such an award is introduced for the first time in the region.  Marchuk Oksana Oleksandrivna, Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Pedagogics and Preschool Education, takes part in the comm...