History of the Department
The Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education was established in 2004
From the moment of its establishment, the priority task of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Culture has been determined to be the scientific and pedagogical centre of training of highly professional competent specialists in physical education of different population groups. On the way to the realisation of this goal the teachers of the department are fruitfully working on the introduction of the latest advanced technologies of scientific and educational work, as well as on the development and improvement of the content and forms of the educational process, improving the quality of teaching of the disciplines of the department.
The teaching staff of the department provides professional training of specialists in the qualification levels of "Bachelor", "Master".
The department has worked out lecture courses, methodological support for practical and independent classes of the subjects on the curricula.
The specificity of the process of professional training of specialists in physical education is determined by the goals to preserve and promote human health through motor activity, its orientation to skills formation and to apply the basic methods of analysis and assessment of the state of health and physical fitness to different strata of the population, work with regulatory, statistical, diagnostic and other documents characterising the state of human health.
Considering that practical training of future specialists in physical education and adaptive physical education is a significant component of deepening their professional competence, students of the specialty under the guidance of the teachers of the department pass pedagogical practice in the best secondary schools of the city and the region, and special practice in educational and rehabilitation centres, the “Invasport” region centre, medical and preventive establishments, special educational establishments, with which close relationships have been established and cooperation agreements have been signed.
To ensure a high-quality set of entrants, the teachers of the department are involved in vocational work in secondary schools, children's and youth sports schools, colleges of Rivne region, Khmelnytsk, Volyn, Lviv, Ternopil region, Transcarpathia and other regions.
The work of the members of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education includes the development of a wide range of forms of volunteer work, from support of the most vulnerable to the mass events in the development of disability sports.
The staff of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education also conducts current scientific researches, organises scientific work of students who have the opportunity to publish their own scientific developments in the collections of scientific works.
The department is working on the following scientific topic: "Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future specialists in physical education in higher education institutions".
Teachers of the department systematically participate in all-Ukrainian and international scientific-practical conferences, involve students into scientific problem groups, and prepare students for participation in all-Ukrainian student Olympiads, conferences.
Teachers of the department organise and conduct scientific and practical seminars, it develops their professional skills.