Scientific Work
Romanova Viktoriia Ivanivna, PhD in Physical Education and Sports. In 2007, she graduated from the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economic and Humanities.
In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty "Physical Culture, Physical Education of Different Populations" on the topic "Dynamics of Physical Preparedness of Senior Students of Higher Education Institutions on the Basis of Different Movement Activity Modes". In 2012, she was awarded an academic status of Associate Professor of the Department of wellness sports and pedagogical disciplines.
Since September 2013 she is the Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education.
Master of Sports Games, Candidate of Master of Sports in Cycling.
For many years of diligent work, high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of education and science, she was awarded the Honour Distinction of the Rivne Regional Council (2014).
Zavatska Lidiia Arkhypivna, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department, dean of the Faculty of Health of Physical Education and Sports of Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities; Corresponding Member of the UAS; Academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education (Moscow); Head of the Regional Branch of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine and Special Olympics of Ukraine. She has the following titles: "An Excellent Student in Education of Ukraine", "Honoured Physical Education Worker” for many years of diligent work, high professionalism and significant contribution to the development of education and science. She has been working at the Faculty since 1998; she is an active participant in the organization and holding of the All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "The Concept of Development of the Field of Physical Education and Sport" (1999 - 2013), in particular a member of the editorial board of a professional collection of scientific works.
Petrenchuk Mykola Vasylovych, Associate Professor of Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education.
He graduated from the Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economic and Humanities majoring in Physical Education (2005). Master of Sports of the USSR for Sport Tourism (1991).
Today the Head of the NOC of Ukraine Branch in the Rivne region; director of the municipal institution of the Regional Centre for Physical Health of the Population "Sport for All" of the Rivne Regional Council. He has the title: Honoured Tourism Worker of Ukraine (2004), Honoured Worker of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine (2008).