From July 3 to July 7, 2023, a delegation from the Private Higher Educational Institution "Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities" consisting of Senior Lecturer of the Department of Human Health and Physical Therapy, Doctor of Sports Medicine Ihor Petruk, first (bachelor's) degree students Nadiia Kyrylchuk and Oksana Kotynska took part in the first stage of the project within the framework of the RITA - Partnership Projects competition announced by the Fundacja Edukacja dla Demokracji - RITA Program - Przemiany in Regionie entitled "Ukraińskie centrum terapii zajęciowej poprzez gry adaptacyjne" (Ukrainian Center for Occupational Therapy with Adaptive Games), which is implemented jointly with the Polish partner - Stowarzyszenie AZS WSG (Bydgoszcz). Bydgoszcz).


The project is implemented together with partners from the Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture and the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports.


During the first stage of the program, a meeting was held with the leadership of the University of Economics in Bydgoszcz, and plans for future cooperation were discussed. The project participants completed their studies, internships, and received their certificates.

We would like to thank the project coordinator, Dr. Tatiana Skaliy, and the director of the Instytutu Sportu i Kultury Fizycznej Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy, prof. WSG Dr. Alexander Skaliy for the excellent organization of the first stage!