On October 26, an online round table was held at the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economic and Humanities on the topic: "Academic Integrity: Current Issues Today."

The moderator of the scientific event was the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the University, PhD, Professor Andrii Borovyk. In total, almost 250 participants joined the round table.

Боровик Андрій Володимирович

The scientific meeting was opened by Speaker Viktoriia Artiushok - Head of the Center for Higher Education Quality Assurance of the University, PhD, Associate Professor, with a report on: "Academic integrity as a guarantee of quality education".

Артюшок В.С.

Chairman of the Board of the NGO "International Foundation of Scientists and Educators" Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor Oleh Batiuk spoke on the topic: "Observance of academic integrity during the accreditation of educational programs by the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance."


Speaker Maryna Saienko - Senior Researcher of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory for Research of Preventive Activities of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, PhD, Associate Professor, Expert of the National Agency, spoke on the topic: "Academic integrity and preparation of teaching materials."

Саєнко марина

And the topic: "Topical aspects of the European experience of academic integrity" was pesented by the speaker - Zinaida Smutchak - Head of the Department of Management and Economics of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor.

Зінаіда Смутчак

Given the current problem of compliance with academic integrity by third-level applicants with a report on: "The problem of plagiarism in the research work of graduate students" spoke Speaker Ivan Bohatyrov - Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, founder of the scientific school "Intellect". During the whole time of the scientific event there was a lively discussion between speakers, scientists, representatives of public organizations and students.

After summing up the results of the round table, all participants of the event were given certificates.