ренінг для модераторів студентської конференції від Університету Бат Спа

On 20 March, a special training for student conference moderators took place.
We would like to remind you that on 8-9 April 2025, the student conference ‘Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Approaches to European Integration: Post-Digital Innovations in Science, Education, Art, Technology and Culture’ will be held jointly with the  Bath Spa University.
As part of the preparations, the training was an important step in ensuring a high level of organisation and conduct of the conference. Section moderators Alina Kruhliak, Iryna Budz, Victoriia Lankina, Oleg Bohut, Ruslana Hrytsun, Oksana Marchuk and Natalia Nisanoglu joined the training. 
The moderators had the opportunity to learn the basic principles of effective panel management, interaction with participants and discussion management. The recommendations received will be useful for moderators and will help them manage time, create a productive atmosphere and ensure a constructive exchange of ideas during the conference.
The speakers of the training, experts from the BSU, including experienced academic leaders and conference organisers, shared valuable tips and strategies for effective work as a moderator.
We are grateful to everyone who took part in the training and are confident that it will help to ensure the high level of our student conference. We look forward to meeting all participants and moderators at the event!