On 20 March, academics from Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities joined a regular scientific lunch-seminar organised by School of Education of the Bath Spa University (UK) on multigrade/mixed age classrooms. The seminar was a great opportunity to share experiences and discuss important aspects of modern education.
Among the speakers were:
Dr Cath Gristy, University of Plymouth (UK), who shared her research on practices in multi-age classrooms and their impact on student development.
Dr Anne Parfitt, School of Education, Bath Spa University (UK), who discussed pedagogical approaches and management strategies in mixed classes.
Alina Kruhliak, Head of the International and Project Department, and Ruslana Hrytsun, Deputy Head of the Research and Postgraduate Studies Department, had the opportunity to learn about the latest research in this area, discuss the practical challenges and benefits of such classes, and consider future directions for research and educational development in this area.