From September 20 to 24, 2021, a week of Ukrainian preschool was held at the Faculty of Pedagogics of the PHEE "Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities" Preschool education is an important component in the education system of Ukraine, thanks to which children learn to respect the culture of Ukraine and other peoples, respect their family, realize their importance and develop creative abilities, and children acquire some basic scientific knowledge that prepares them for further education.


The program of events included meetings of students with graduates of the specialty Preschool education: educator PSI №17 in Rivne Maksymchuk D. A. (learned to make lep books), the educator of PSI in village  Buhryn of Rivne region Kozliuk Yu. O. (got acquainted with author's didactic games), educator of Volodymyrets lyceum "Collegium" Rusin M. M. (got acquainted with the peculiarities of using STEM-technology in preschool and primary education); conducting a seminar "Happy family - happy child", acquaintance of future educators of preschool education with modern technologies of work in the library and novelties of pedagogical literature, which was received by the university library; visiting by students of the University Museum of Peace and conducting an integrated lecture on the problems of implementing the achievements of peace pedagogy in educational institutions of Ukraine. Assoc. Prof. of the Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education Borova V. Ye. took part in the Forum "Preschool Education of Ukraine 30", which took place in Kyiv.