Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of the Economic and Humanities, PhD, Assoc. Prof.  Kochmar D.A. took part in the XVII International scientific-practical conference "ICTERI-2021: ICT in EDUCATION, RESEARCH, and INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS", which lasts from September 28 to October 2, 2021.  

At the conference, the researcher presented the results of the study "The Application of Augmented Reality in the Education and Development of Students Cognitive Activity".

Participants' reports are published in the international publications CEUR-WS and Springer, which are indexed in scientometric databases DBLP, Scopus, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago.


Among the co-organizers are representatives of higher education institutions and IT companies from Australia, Austria, Great Britain, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, France, the Czech Republic and Switzerland.

For the last 17 years, the ICTERI conference has become a traditional international scientific and practical event, bringing together scientists, educators, practitioners, developers from different continents and countries interested in disseminating and exchanging experience in the field of innovative technological developments and achievements, implementation and use of information. -communication technologies in educational, scientific, industrial industries.