For the second time, the School of Pedagogical Skills gathered participants to discuss current issues. According to the work plan, the meeting was not only theoretical but also practical.

Andrii Yasinskyi, PhD, Vice-Rector for Information Systems and Innovative Technologies, was the first to speak. He spoke about the expansion of the functional characteristics of educational content in the MOODLE system. He spoke in detail about the new opportunities for content creation and the expansion of test tools.


The practical part of the meeting was devoted to the methodology of working with ORCID, which is relevant for every educator. Ruslana Hrytsun, Head of the University Library Information Department, spoke in detail not only about what ORCID is and why it is needed, but also about the benefits of the system directly for each scientist. Also, all those present were able to consider step by step the scheme of registration of their own ORCID.