Within the framework of the Ukrainian-British Twinning initiative, a delegation of Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities headed by Rector Vitalii Demianchuk started a working visit to the Bath Spa University.

МЕГУ & bat spa

The IUEH scientists were invited to an official reception at the House of the Ethiopian Emperor in Bath. The event brought together researchers from all over the world.  The delegation had the opportunity to meet and strengthen cultural and academic ties with experts from the UK, Ethiopia, USA, India, Africa, Maldives, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy, and South Africa.

МЕГУ & bat spa

The participants got acquainted with the museum's expositions on the history of the emperor and his family's emigration to Bath, as well as the rich cultural heritage of Ethiopia. Vitalii Demianchuk, Rector of the IUEH, presented the Ethiopian museum with a souvenir edition of Peresopnytsia.


МЕГУ & bat spa

The next day, IUEH scientists took part in the 10th annual GALA conference. The delegation attended the breakout sessions, joining the discussions of the results of scientific research together with scientists from around the world.

МЕГУ & bat spaМЕГУ & bat spa