The Faculty of Cybernetics of Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities has established international cooperation in the field of IT with two international institutions.

IUEH has signed cooperation and partnership agreements with the Silesian Academy (Katowice, Poland) and «Enifor» LLC (Latvia).

 As a result of the negotiations, the parties agreed to:

- Оointly implement measures on the problems of introducing the latest information technologies into the educational process.

- Implement joint academic mobility programs for teachers and students.

- Participate in the joint preparation of grant projects in the field of IT.

- Organize joint events to familiarize Ukrainian citizens with Polish culture and Polish citizens with Ukrainian culture.

- Implementation of innovative methods in the field of information technology.

- Conducting joint scientific research.

- Cooperation in software development, etc.

Міжнародна співпраця

International cooperation in the IT sector allows engineers and developers to exchange best practices, ideas and innovations, which contributes to the faster development of technologies. International cooperation also opens up access to new markets for IT products and services, as well as jointly fighting cyber threats.

International cooperation in the field of IT helps accelerate technological progress, expand opportunities and strengthen cybersecurity around the world