Financing: tuition fees + 400 euros per month

Deadline: May 7, 2021, find out the result on August 4

Requirements for participation:

  1. The candidate must have a bachelor's degree or receive at least 210 ECTS integrated studies at a higher educational institution in Lithuania.
  2. The candidate must have an official letter of acceptance or preliminary admission for full-time study in the magistracy of a higher educational institution of Lithuania.
  3. The candidate should know well the Lithuanian, English or other language in which the curriculum is conducted (B2).
  4. A state scholarship cannot be awarded to a candidate who has already received a master's degree.

Priority will be given to candidates who plan to study or are already studying:

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Physical sciences;
  • Life Sciences
  • Mechanical engineering;
  • Technological sciences;
  • Health Sciences;
  • Veterinary sciences;
  • Agriculture;
  • Educational sciences;
  • Arts
  • Sports

Details and programms: