The School of Pedagogical Mastery has opened its doors to lecturers of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of the Economic and Humanities. The work plan is agreed for the whole academic year, it provides intensive educational and practical activities for the participants. The activities of the School of Pedagogical Mastery were opened by the Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work and Humanitarian Education of the University, PhD, Associate Professor Olena Yanytska. As the head of the new structure, the Vice-Rector spoke about the purpose and main goals of the School.


Throughout the year, lecturers will work to improve their skills and get acquainted with modern teaching aids with an emphasis on their practical application. Transfer of the advanced pedagogical experience and various creative meetings and master classes will help in its mastering. Participants will also get acquainted with non-traditional teaching methods from the meters of their craft and will be able to discuss the creative achievements of colleagues in order to further adapt them to their own pedagogical practice.


The first lesson on the topic "Legislative and regulatory framework of educational activities" was conducted by the Head of the Center for Higher Education Quality Assurance, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management Viktoriia Artiushok. In the course of the work, the lecturers worked out the key documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the NAHEQA, as well as discussed the working moments regulated by these documents on the basis of their own practical experience.
