Teachers of the Department of Management of MEGU on March 15 and 16 took part in the Open Education Forum - an international conference aimed at discussing leading academic practices, projects and programs in the field of education, as well as sharing best practices of education stakeholders: teachers, students, employers and experts . The Open Education Forum brought together more than 1,200 participants from 8 countries.




During the forum, webinars and panel discussions on a number of topical issues of education development, including "Education after the pandemic", "Current trends in the educational environment: formal, non-formal and informal education", "Business-University Partnership", "Accreditation and quality" Education "," Quality of Education and Academic Integrity "," Quality of Education: Vision of Applicants "," Teacher of the Future: Opportunities and Challenges "and many others.




Among the leading speakers at the forum were: Vladimir Bugrov, Vice-Rector of KNU. T. Shevchenko; Ivan Primachenko, co-founder of the online platform Prometheus; Maksym Sytnytsky, head of the National Center for Creative Entrepreneurship Development of Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko; Natalia Kryvda, director of the Edinburgh Business School in Ukraine; Olga Polotska, Director of the National Research Foundation; Mykhailo Vynnytskyi, Head of the NAME Secretariat; Taras Tymochko, coordinator of the Academic Integrity Promotion Project in Ukraine (2016-2020) and others.




It is gratifying that the representatives of MEGU not only carefully studied the experience of the conference participants in solving the problems of reforming the education sector, but also helped other forum participants to find answers to topical issues of implementation of modern academic practices in the educational environment. In particular, the head of the Center for Quality Assurance in Education MEGU Assoc. Victoria Artyushok shared her own successful practices of setting up a system for monitoring the quality of education in the activities of free economic zones on the example of our university.




Participation in such events significantly expands the opportunities for research and teaching staff to learn about innovations in the professional field, informs the scientific community about innovations and achievements, and promotes deeper professional communication with colleagues and partners, which is certainly one of the main prerequisites for successful educational activities. modern university.