On September 23, 2021 at the meeting of the Specialized Academic Council of the Higher Educational Institution "University of Economics and Law "KROK" the dissertation of Kyrychenko Oksana Serhiivna on the topic "Investment support of innovative development of industry of Ukraine" for the degree of Doctor of Economics was defended.


Given the extensive experience, scientific achievements and volume of printed works, including a one-man monograph "Industrial Policy of Ukraine: Problems and Prospects", the opponent of the dissertation is approved by Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Managment of the Academician Stepan Demianchuk IUEH Honcharov Yurii Viktorovych, who made critical remarks and suggestions during the defense. The emphasis in his report was on the development of Ukrainian industry on the basis of "Industry 4.0" in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.