On 31 January, a meeting of the coordinators of the Polish grant project RITA - Changes in the Region 2.0 was held.
It is worth reminding that in December 2024, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities together with Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture and the University of Economics in Bydgoszcz won a grant to implement the project ‘UKRAIŃSKIE CENTRUM TERAPII ZAJĘCIOWEJ POPRZEZ SPORT OSÓB NIEPEŁNOSPRAWNYCH VOL 2.0.’
The project is co-funded by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation as part of the RITA (Regional Improvement and Transformation Activity) programme implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation. The project is implemented by STOWARZYSZENIE AZS WSG (POLSKA, BYDGOSZCZ).

The project coordinator from IUEH, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Human Health and Physical Therapy Ihor Petruk, together with the Head of the International Project Department Alina Lavreniuk, discussed key aspects of the project.
During the meeting, they discussed with colleagues an action plan aimed at achieving the key goals and results of the project, namely
increasing the number of people with disabilities who will participate in sports activities;
improving the skills and knowledge of instructors on working with people with disabilities and methods of organising sports activities;
organising local sports tournaments where participants will have the opportunity to compete and demonstrate their skills;
development and implementation of sports programmes for people with disabilities that will continue after the project is completed;
Raising public awareness of adaptive sports through publications in the local media and organising open days.
The project will run until the end of September 2025 and will be implemented at the Polish-Ukrainian Adaptation Centre, a volunteer centre located at IUEH.